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Vicari 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Vicari 1st MRB

  1. Bane Outtakes Ill just leave this here!
  2. Name: Hallowed Be Thy Name Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:9592432 Duration of Ban: 2 Days Reasons for the Ban: Team wounding/TKing in Spawn Demo Provided?: Y/N N Comments:
  3. Pfc. R Vicari ARMA 2 combined ops
  4. Nice man, where are you from if you don't mind me asking? I just happen to be chief engineer at a recording studio in NJ and I'll record your stuff if you are interested. http://www.igmrecording.com/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/IGM-Recordin...180889335281496
  5. I fixed it. Turned out that one of my memory sticks was bad.
  6. Yea everything is in order. I re sat my card as well. The only thing I can think of is that my vid card is over clocked but I never did anything to it. It's the 1gig 550 gtx and my diagnostic said its clicking at 900mb
  7. Its everything, any game, youtube vids or just plain working on a word doc. Now it says it recovers and not 10 sec later right into blue screen of death. The weird thing is all my drivers are up to date and I re installed the main driver for my video card. Still doing it.
  8. I did a clean install with the newest beta driver which is the link you posted. I got the GPU only 2 months ago and this problem just started the other day. Now if the driver doesn't recover, I get the blue screen of death.
  9. Whenever I join the server, my game will appear that it is minimized but I will still hear the sounds in the game. I Alt-Tab to try and click the game back up but no use. Sometimes I also get an error that my windows kernal driver has stopped working and has recovered. I've tried updating the driver, re seating my vid card and reinstalling the driver but no luck. I run Windows 7 32-bit My graphics card is an Nvidia Geforce GTX 550 Ti System also runs at nominal temp and all fans work. Anyone else have this issue?
  10. Yes he was released. Thanks guys for helping out
  11. Don't think theres much else to do except sign the petition for now. I will definitely let you know if anything comes up. Thanks Brown.
  12. Hey guys, just wanted to put it out there that one of my good friends and a Marine that I went to Parris Island and served with is now locked in a jail in Mexico after being told he was allowed to take his grandfather's heirloom shotgun by U.S. officials and then jailed by mexican officials immediately after crossing the border. If at all possible, I'd like some help signing the petition for U.S officials to help bring him home since the current administration is not doing anything about it. He's chained to a bed!!!!! John Hammar/U.S. Marines Petition
  13. All you really need is enough to where if you have to leave, you can and survive on the road. Sitting tight the first few days is definitely wise. Especially if you do end up staying, you want to mark your grounds and make sure nobody hurts your family. Also if there is a gas shortage, find stuff to trade like water, food or ammo. Nothing wrong with being prepared.
  14. I'm the big guy. This was after a show in NYC.
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