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Everything posted by Booher

  1. thanks guys
  2. Happy Birthday, make it a good one.
  3. Name: General Stoner Steam I.D: 0:0:7938182 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Wall Hacking Demo Provided?: Y/N No Comments: I watched hi for a good 3 minutes. Killed myself and 5 others from the middle of spawn
  4. im up for it, the bane of the realm has returned muhhhhaaaaaahahahahahahaha
  5. Shane was a great movie
  6. Ban shall remain due to the amount of times it has happened.
  7. xVERITAS95x BF4 for honor destiny
  8. Thanks guys
  9. Happy Birthday
  10. no i was the guy doing the back flip that knocked himself out lol
  11. Name: Dr_Triman Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:100933714 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Wall hacks Demo Provided?: Y/N no Comments: I was kill by this person when I was in our building in spawn. I went to spec and proceed to watch him kill at least 4 people from allied spawn inside a building without any possible chance of getting the shots he was since the room had one door and facing the back of the map.
  12. great show, thats gonna be fun
  13. come on, no slayer? well here you go
  15. Nice job, glad to see your doing well
  16. looks like he won the hot dog eating contest
  17. Duryl LIKEs IT with them boys singing in them thur angry voices...MERICA
  18. looks cool, hope they do it right.
  19. So far it sounds like its going to be something great but I do have a question about the map creation. Are we as player going to be able to create maps and is it going to be a program included in the game or will it be something different. Also will the program be easy to use or will you have to have a lot of experience with that type of thing?
  20. I hope you get bent and stumble many time in a joyful drunken stuper, happy birthday Stone
  21. me to
  22. i have resolved the issue by getting a new headset. thanks for all the help and the quick response.
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