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Everything posted by Booher

  1. Name:Abortion Doctor Steam I.D: # 319 "Abortion Doctor" STEAM_0:1:11806992 34:47 70 0 active # Duration of Ban:Permaban please Reasons for the Ban:Massive team klling, inappropriate name he wouldnt change Demo Provided?: Y/N NO Comments: Barry and Bradley were in pub at time of the issue
  2. thank guys lol nice
  3. Better come back and see us soon
  4. Today is my 2 year anniversary in the unit. Its been an interesting and fun ride. Iv meet a lot of cool people here. Just wanna say thanks and hope to see you all in another 2.
  5. havent played it but i do enjoy McDowells post
  6. thx for the link. never new about it
  7. Name:Borsk Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:38732919 Duration of Ban:one week Reasons for the Ban:recoil hack Demo Provided?: Y/N no, recorder not wroking Comments:only did a week because i didnt get a demo but hack was obvious especially on mg and no one else was there when a ban him
  8. I know its not a happy birthday song but i hope you have a happy happy joy joy day Johnson
  9. Server crash time:10:44pm What map was it on?:flash Was it during a map change?:yes Was there any lag?:no Were there any ping spikes?:not that i noticed Did you do a trace route?:no but was attempted. it wouldnt let me copy paste
  10. lol no im the old guy standing up on the far right. that old guy moves like hes 20 and would beat my ass sideways
  11. getiing my certification from Guro Dan Inosanto. im on the right standing up
  12. because its funny
  13. im getting this
  14. im an instructor in bruce lee s J.K.D. and this is the best documentary iv ever seen on yeah its a fake but still cool
  15. not sure whats going on but i like the pictures
  16. thanks ladies and guys. it was a good one.
  17. have yourself an especially angry birthday
  18. I always thought quarterman was a weathercaster
  19. *ashtag! hehe both of you
  20. well its been a little over a year. iv been in the unit since 12 nov. 2012. been an interesting and fun ride. heres to another year in the first.
  21. ok didnt fight yet so hes on the main card. its on spike at 9pm
  22. hey guys im in oklahoma my friend and student i helped train for this fight will be fighting tonight if you like MMA. it will be streaming live on www.spike.com/show/bellator-mma/live. his name is robert white. hes a really good guy. i might walk out with him but we arent sure if ill be able to. hes got carlos machado in the corner with him tonight so if your interested watch. hope you guys enjoy
  23. gotta go with brown on this one. by the way good clip brown
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