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Everything posted by Booher

  1. just wanna say thanks to everyone in the 1st as well as BAR for the last months of entertainment.
  2. Happy Birthday
  3. looks good candy
  4. hey viktor can you check mine out?
  5. I like shows like this i'm gonna check it out
  6. Name: T. Booher Rank: Staff Sergeant Type of issue: Steam/Software Brief Description of Issue: im having an issue loading wismar on my computer. iv done the download but when i go to open them it says its a corrupt file. any ideas? ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Pending Reply Main Technician: Brown Supporting Technician:
  7. Booher

    The Clutch

    nice one kaba. love the benny hill music
  8. im gonna say they are from Canada because they are retarted
  9. sony has always been better for the simple fact you didnt have to pay for the on line content...so its sony for me
  10. it was vader. its always been vader, hes the ultimate bad guy. he did it to keep the emperor from coming to power so he and luke could rule. you heard him when he cut lukes hand off. VADER IS THE ULTIMATE BAD GUY.
  11. always loved the saints
  12. Pfc. T. Booher- March of Eagles or Sniper elite 2
  13. the company bungie has announced the new game they have developed for the PS4. its called destiny. its a multi world shooter based in the future. in the game youll be able to modify your character in multiple way including clothing andf weapons. its being put forth as a multi player? co op game. it looks great so far check it out and tell me what you think or if you hear any new info on the game.
  14. Leatherneck: A U.S. Marine. (The Marine uniform originally had a leather-lined collar.) Since the days of the Barbary pirates, U.S. Marines have called themselves "leathernecks." Legend and lore have it that the term leatherneck was derived from leather neckbands worn in the late 1700s to protect Marines from the slash of the cutlass. Another more likely reason is that the high stocks were worn for discipline to keep the Marines' heads high and straight. Neither explanation has ever been verified. Whatever the reason, the name leatherneck stuck and the distinctive dress blue uniform blouse still bears a high stock collar to remind Marines of the leatherneck legacy.
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