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About Lopez

  • Birthday 08/14/1994

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    Detroit, Michigan

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  1. Sorry, haven't had much time to work on the PC, here is what I've done since then; Ran stress tests that didn't reveal anything to be wrong with my RAM, video card and such. Uninstalled/Re-installed Steam Here is how it stands thus far: Crashing happens less often, but still with enough frequency where the problem hasn't been solved. I think it might have been I had multiple problems at once. I've yet to check if all my sticks of RAM are functional. I'm still not sure if its hardware or software because all of my computer parts are new (build this last winter). Also, if I'm not playing a video game, my computer functions completely normally and has never crashed. Unfortunately, I won't have much time to work on this, I'm taking a ELOA because I'm moving into freshman dorms in the next week. Things around here have been quite hectic leading up to this because my move is across the country. When I get back I'll check it again and let you know how its all working. Thanks guys! -Lopez
  2. non ranked vs a bottom of the pile top 10 i wouldnt go as far as MOST anticipated but i do root for G occasionaly , certainly should be a better opener my teams against some HS team Bro, both Clemson and Georgia are preseason ranked 8th and 6th respectively. Its gonna be EPIC!!! And Englebretson, Clownboy can't carry the whole team. Clemson wins against South Carolina in Columbia this year... Bold move Cotton, lets see if it plays
  3. This is amazing
  4. Happy Birthday and thanks for the customs
  5. Sounds like a personal problem... Easily the most wonderful time of the year for me
  7. annil8tion@gmail.com I'm down for this
  8. Granted, but he gets reincarnated by some freak genes into its system and takes over all of Europe and plans to go after the World. I wish I could have a gourmet 5-star buffet for breakfast, lunch, and dinner 5 stars refer to 5 ninja surikens in the food, your eat them all day and die of internal bleeding. I want to work in the nfl
  9. Why do you think I should? Give me a few reason to back up this statement, make an argument why I shouldn't support one of the Brewers best players? The fact of the matter is with him in the lineup the Brewers are better, so I will support him as a player because he gives the team a better chance to win. As to what I think about him as a person, Ill wait to see what he does from here on out. If I'd have to guess his answer, its probably because he's a cheater.... in any context, that's not a bad reason to disown someone
  10. Oh no sir, that is totally wrong. Of course they do. They want to have big name players that will put butts in their seats and drive up revenue, hence why poor performing teams will keep big stars on their teams, even though they could trade them in order to improve the future quality of their team. I was just listening to some guys discuss Raul Ibanez in Seattle, its this exact case. They wont trade him because just his name sells tickets, especially for a team that has little else going for it, even though he's having a good season and they could probably get some good, younger players for him. Ownership is in the business of making money. They want to sell tickets and t shirts, that is their primary concern. Its not always that simple, but when you boil it down, it generally is. Why do they want to win? So that interest in the team will rise, they can sell more tickets, and jack up the prices. While plenty of what you say is right, it sorta ignores a plenty big picture. A player's image and the fan's likeness of him is just a factor in a much larger equation. To use your example, I bet you Raul would be on his couch if he was hitting 30 points lower and with half as much power. In addition, I highly doubt Seattle won't trade him if they find the right deal. Emphasis on find the right deal, no team wants to be undersold but Raul Ibanez is by no means an untradable player. Maybe an older Griffey or Martinez when they played, but Raul simply isn't that kind of guy. Its all one big equation that inputs star power, as well as cost, production, etc. You're completely correct ownership wants to make money, but just having a big face and name doesn't do that at all. Again, see your Seattle Mariners and the names that they've had, as well as do have with King Felix, and still float towards the bottom in salary. My point was just to emphasize that how a fanbase likes or dislikes a player makes only a somewhat difference to the ownership decision. It certainly isn't and end all, be all, as we have seen many beloved players get the boot and many assholes keep their job and I thought it was a little harsh by Parker to put all the blame on that particular group of fans when really its much bigger. Not that i don't understand his rage lol
  11. Oh I'm so down for that But I'm not sure that comment on Watkis was fair, I've never thought guys do it for a reason other than the money. Likewise, the ownership does not base their decisions on the fan reception for a certain player. I think fans like that have really no impact on the amount of cheaters, cause for every Watkis, there is a Parker ready to grill at the stake. It has way more to do with the league and PA and how lenient they are willing to be. If those bodies show any weakness in dealing with cheaters, that directly affects the future of the sport. Then again, I base this off limited experience to be sure, but thats my take.
  12. To answer Holland: Ram: 8 GB They were already exceptions to my firewall and I use a router. Kirk, I'll send that after I post this. Barney; When I say crashing, I mean all kinds of things. -Sometimes I just lose video, like I'll think the game has stopped responded, but I noticed when I go to task manager it is still responding, so I open it again and everything works fine except I am looking at a black screen. -Audio will just cut out, I'll hear a loud buzzing noise and everything goes silent -Game will just exit out without a message, as if I closed it myself -Game will stop responding, open task manager to close it -bsod All happen with about equal frequency to be honest. In the 3 days all of the above have happened. When playing other games, they tend to work for about a half hour and then stop responding, so I'm getting the impression it might be a hardware or more general software issue. Just bought Darksiders and it crashed after the first 30 minutes. I'll work on the heavyload and hardware checks when I get in a chance in the next couple days. Might not get a chance till next week, but when I do I'll post and let you know Thank you guys so much for the suggestions for my problem. Even if it all goes down in flames, I really appreciate the help
  13. Dang your tailback has got some wheels and jukes to be sure. Its kinda hard to see the numbers, but these are some quality highlights What was your guys record? And just curious are you from Canada? I ask cause of the abnormally placed goal posts (abnormal for US high school football at least)
  14. Nope, sorry I forgot to post. Didn't work. I have noticed when only running DODS, the game tends to run longer before crashing. However my computer should be able to run DODS and more for hours, so I'm not sure if this pattern I've subtly noticed is indicative of the problem or not.
  15. All I have in my custom folder is "readme.txt" Is there supposed to be anything else in there? I feel like deleting that won't do anything, but would love to be told otherwise.
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