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Everything posted by Huskic

  1. Huskic

    Low FPS

    you could try turning your video cards Vsinc off ,that mite help.
  2. Huskic

    My map

    this is some of the map just started it hope i can get it done soon will be fun.
  3. United States (100) Canada (23) Norway (92)
  4. Granted here's a link to some hacks ( Noobsforthewin.com ) but then you get banned. I wish the aliens that came to earth to make me there bitch were all hot space chicks from mars.without penises.
  5. But you had to switch to AT&T and you get less coverage. I wish every one in the world was my bitch.
  6. United States (99) Canada (23) Norway (93)
  7. ADD ME ADD ME I WANNA BE THE GUY WITH THE GUNS AND ALWAYS HAS AMMO AND A BIG MACHINE GUN =) and i don't talk much but am very smart.
  8. Screaming Watkis is here and hes going to....
  9. It rained acid rain and you ran out and melted into a puddle of bones and flesh. I wish all my wishes where good from now on.
  10. tacos all wrapped in a ..
  11. wish granted but it was full of mutant ants that bit u and u turned into a zombie ant monster and we had to shoot you. I wish i could breath in space and on earth.
  12. I dont think it was the russians and i doubt it was a missile.
  13. But it was poisoned and you died. I wish i had a tank.
  14. United States (85) Canada (31) Norway (103)
  15. I should quit RL too...
  16. But it hits McDowell instead. I wish i ruled the world and was immortal.
  17. Most of the time when your steam friends or steam store wont open up its a steam problem, so the best thing to do is wait it out i get the same BS some times if the Steam restart doesn't work just wait it out, he store and friends will still be there.
  18. Huskic


    Warren what you like to do in your own time you can keep to your self.
  19. Huskic


    Was thinking of making a map to shoot around on. this is all i have its a bridge and i was wondering what i should add to it ?
  20. Huskic

    Starcraft 1

    My games not legit so i can play online but if you guys want to play over Hamachi that would be cool.
  21. United States (74) Canada (48) Norway (97)
  22. Winner gets a cookie!
  23. Huskic

    Starcraft 1

    I played it back in the day but I like the build and attack not really into the custom maps
  24. France (13) Germany (21) United States (24) Canada (21) Norway (22) Japan (19) Mexico (19) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (19) Russia (21)
  25. Huskic


    Watch this kid after playing Modern ware fare. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93yDaVSbuK0
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