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G. Visca 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by G. Visca 1st MRB

  1. Name: Name changer Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:89704438 Duration of Ban:Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Impersonating members of the unit and BAR, AIM bot, Chat spam script, etc.... Demo Provided?: N Comments: They were according to 1st Lt. Holland using steam ids and account from already banned players from our server. There were multiple but this was the only one I was able to get.
  2. Lystad the whore
  3. Moved to Slope as topic doesnt belong in other section
  4. Name: Spock 616 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:33830284 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Racial language, talking back to admin Demo Provided?: N Comments:
  5. Last time I won something from the unit it was Mottola wrapped up in a bow and ribbon with a letter saying Do Not Return. Just kidding I never won a contest. Congrats bro you earned it.
  6. I am glad to hear that you enjoy playing on our server and we are happy to have you frag with us. We actually change up the map rotation every so often. I personally never see any map happening roughly the same time every day as objectives get taken faster for some maps than others so it is hard to predict what map will be on when. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and we shall look into it to see if it can be improved or remain the same.
  7. Ya'll need Jesus
  8. Ya'll motherfuckers need Jesus
  9. All hail the mighty Reagan!
  10. What the hell is going on? Is this a show where they seek out white guys in Japan?
  11. Name:Atum Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:31884447 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban:Impersonating a MRB member Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments:He has been banned 10 times before for teamkilling and hacking. He is able to mask his Steam ID as P0 on the sourcebans.
  12. USA USA USA Though I am not holding out that it will be good. Most of the actors are past their prime or never had it to begin with.
  13. Meh once it gets to cat 3 then you start to worry a little. Cat 2 or below and you party here in Florida.
  14. You pretty much already have the best games for the 64. I suggest Yoshi's Story, Mario kart, donkey kong.
  15. You that old Asian guy in the middle?
  16. Name:Sgt. Stryker (Impersonating Tifrobond) Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:22049003 Reasons for the Ban:Disrespect of admin and causing disruption in the server after being told several times to drop it Recommended duration of ban:A day. I accidentally hit it for too long and suggest being shortened to a day. Demo Provided?: N
  17. That pretty much sums it up Willow.
  18. These people are dumb......lol but at least USA made it to the World Cup unlike Canada! USA USA USA
  19. Yea they hyped up the finale so much but I was a little let down. Only the last two scenes made me a little happy. I wanted lady stoneheart though and was expecting that to be the last scene after breanne left the hound fight.
  20. I am surprise it is only 2011 as you post a lot of weird Youtube stuff...
  21. Tits...there I said something. Who's next?
  22. I am pulling for Italy. Did the opening ceremony already happen?
  23. Someone correct me but didn't Jon kill Ygritte?
  24. It has been awhile since I read the books so my memory is not too clear. I remember Tyrion sneaking out of the dungeons and doing some dirty work heh.
  25. I dont remember that happening at all in the books. Arya never makes it to the Eryie nor do I remember the prince dying.
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