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G. Visca 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by G. Visca 1st MRB

  1. His son sucks ass though. Other than that it was awesome!
  2. Hope you mean Freedom Fries!
  3. You can always buy me a plane ticket and I would join you just as long as Small doesn't get too kinky.
  4. That is me receiving the office of lector by the handing on of the Book of the Gospels. Hard to see but the guy next to me is holding another book with the prayers in it.
  5. Gothe you need Jesus....
  6. Is it weird that I got an erection watching that?
  7. I call dibs on Arevicci's Sony Walkman and Disco Ball when Lt. Col. shoots him.
  8. GArcia will never know the joy of killing me!
  9. My thoughts were Gris is on the move listen to our footsteps, trying to avoid us, and kill the clock. So what do I do? Run around for 7 minutes in a circle trying to find this sneaky bastard. Even though he killed some guys roughly in the same area I was paranoid that they were distance shots as he was a sniper.
  10. Haha I thought you were on the move. Nice job but it sounds like you had an orgasm at the end.
  11. SSgt. L. Barry: Some people put sugar on their frozen fruit. Me? I put good ole hepatitis!
  12. demerit
  13. I'm Batman! Liam Neeson hell yea!
  14. G. Visca 1st MRB


    YERRR I feel so beautiful now!
  15. Camel and Grizzly Wintergreen
  16. All I can say is genius. We must adopt this practice.
  17. Screw the pictures of lizards mating lets see pica of brown mating eh eh
  18. I know just the way you made it sound as if were a totally new concept to the battlefield experience and was stating it wasnt
  19. They had commander in bf2 just so you know
  20. If only the winds of winter comes out soon....
  21. Pub completely empty join me! Do it, do it now!
  22. The Power of Christ compels you! Begone demon!
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