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Distinguished Civilian
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Perovic's Achievements

Forum Greenhorn

Forum Greenhorn (6/91)



  1. Hi ho there man..glad to have you here,and on the pub..wish you best
  2. Happy Bday
  3. Happy bday!
  4. Pfc. M. Perovic Counter Strike:Global Offensive
  5. Happy Bday
  6. Aggre,living legend..imo he will never leave Barcelona,just cuz they "made" him and helped him when he started playing(some operations,steroids.idk),now hes just "paying" back to Bar. by being best player in the world.
  7. so true! +1
  8. Happy Bday
  9. So how do you guys do in s3 with new ranked system?IMO its way better then before
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