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Willow 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Willow 1st MRB

  1. Happy birthday! XD
  2. Happy birthday! XD
  3. ^ Happy birthday Taze! XD
  4. Happy birthday Taze! XD

  5. Yay! Welcome to our forums Moose! So when are you going to enlist? XD
  6. Moose! When are you going to enlist?!

  7. Happy birthday Britton! XD
  8. You can blame it all on me!

  9. Happy birthday Vicari! XD
  10. Congratulations! Hope everyone is well and resting up. I'd babysit for you guys if i lived closer. Can't wait to see pics of the lil guy! XD
  11. Name: Duarte [POR] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:108859226 Reasons for the Ban: TKing then fleeing server before i could issue ban, had just warned. Recommended duration of ban: 3 weeks since 2 previous bans on record. Demo Provided?: No but Beuting and several others were present.
  12. Congrats Avila! So blue or pink?
  13. WOOT! XD
  14. I need this, can i haz this?! Now i have to go play borderlands!
  15. Happy Birthday Click! XD
  16. haha Well i saw the crotch gun but was more concerned about him peeing on himself!
  17. Is he standing in a puddle of pee?? lol
  18. Who wears pants??
  19. I don't know who you are but here are the rules...when i call timeout in the pub, you HAVE to listen and wait for me to reload. Also, i will forget to call time in but i'm okay with that.
  20. Woot! Welcome back, Stork! XD
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