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Willow 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Willow 1st MRB

  1. I had dusted the cards out recently and core temps aren't showing any over heating.
  2. Okay so new development over the weekend, i still occasionally get the PC crash but most often i can get to the rust servers screen. The issue now is after clicking join server and waiting 3-5 min while loading, it lags/freezes and i get a message saying display driver has stopped working but recovered successfully. I know the drivers are up to date, i JUST reinstalled them.
  3. Happy birthday Bunt! XD
  4. Happy birthday Small! Hope you had a great one! XD
  5. I would be willing to try this but someone would have to walk me step by step thru the process. (i'm noob!) I won't be able to do this until Monday though.
  6. So far, the only game i'm having this issue with is Rust. Also just thought i'd mention that my reboot time is really long. Which i didn't realize until Kirkendall and Parker pointed it out. Kirk said i may need a new hard drive.
  7. Hmm okay so Rust did an update and now it's crashing again. I checked and the autoconfig is still set in launch options. But Holland I think the answer to your question is yes. It black screens, immediately does the restart, and asks if i want to start in normal or safe mode.
  8. Happy birthday Larson! Hope it was a great one! XD
  9. Happy birthday Gardner! XD

  10. Okay so i just did the -autoconfig and it seems to have worked! I'll keep you posted if any more problems arise. Thank you so much!
  11. No changes that i can think of. I just recently started replaying Rust. Played just fine for about a week, then Saturday morning kept crashing. Sunday was fine to play. Then Monday morning again crashed. ATM i still haven't been about to get it working. I've also reinstalled the drivers today, still no luck.
  12. Name: L. Willow Rank: MSgt. Type of issue: Not sure Brief Description of Issue: Since Saturday, when i click to play Rust, my PC crashes (black screen then restarts). I have verified game cache, uninstalled and reinstalled, checked that drivers were up to date. Eventually after an hour or two it will start working. I have no idea what i'm doing to suddenly get it working either. Also, it is only Rust that this is happening. AMD Phenom™ II X6 1090T 6 Core processor 3.20 GHz 16 GB RAM 2 AMD Radeon HD 5770 1G, Crossfired Corsair TX650 watt Windows 7 ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Sgt. S. Woz Supporting Technician: SSgt. J. Hill
  13. Gardner! Come back! At least long enough for me to have you re-voted unit ruhtard!
  14. Oh i forgot, i have a couple codes if anyone wants.
  15. Happy birthday! XD
  16. Happy birthday Gio! <3
  17. Happy birthday! XD
  18. Just read the comment you left for Woz...you worry me Quarterman!

  19. well i stopped by to say happy birthday but then i read Quarterman's comment and just what is wrong with him?!? lol

  20. Happy birthday!
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