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Willow 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Willow 1st MRB

  1. +1 for the new Tom Hanks workout video lol
  2. Happy late birthday Gearhart! Hope it rocked! XD
  3. Willow 1st MRB


    Johnson kneeling before Pricky as it burns. So much tears!
  4. Happy birthday! XD
  5. Nope but go ahead and close this ticket. Thanks guys! XD
  6. Name: Deathfly Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:12222128 Reasons for the Ban: TK after warning, waited until I left server then TKed and fled server. Lancaster msg. me on steam. Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: N
  7. when is release date? I have to start saving money now lol
  8. I bought what i posted above since no one said things would conflict. Just did the switch yesterday. So far so good. Only issue i have is the knobs on the front of case are supposed to control fan speed, they don't seem to be working. Fans are on constant speed. Not sure if i just hooked things wrong or need to add something. Any advice or vids i can watch to fix it?
  9. Name: L. Willow Rank: 1stSgt. Type of issue: Hardware Brief Description of Issue: I built everything else new in Jan. but didn't replace case or power supply. Well now i am replacing those but want to make sure that everything is compatible. Current thingys: Windows 10 Processor Motherboard Graphic card RAM SSD New thingys: New case New power supply CPU fan ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Z. Duckers Supporting Technician: 1stSgt J. Hill
  10. congrats on the house, cats, beer on crotch, and snow XD
  11. You can close this Candy. Appreciate everyone's input and help. My first build went very well thanks to you guys! I'll post pics soon! XD
  12. Happy late birthday Gilmore!
  13. WHAT! That's so awesome! I can't wait!
  14. Thunder Cats for sure! He-Man and She-RA Gummi Bears Darkwing duck Talespin But i voted for Bugs bunny because that's the original old school cartoons for Saturday mornings!
  15. kk so this is what i ordered. if you see anything that doesn't go well, let me know please! Old: I'm using my current case with fans, power supply, and hard drive. New : Processor motherboard Graphics card RAM SSD card
  16. Name: Lisa Willow Rank: First Sergeant Type of issue: Hardware Brief Description of Issue: My computer is over 6 years old and about to die. *tears* So i'm looking to build a new one myself but it's my first time so any help is appreciated! My budget is $1000 -$1200. I'd like to keep my current case if possible. I won't need keyboard, mouse, headset, or monitor. But will probably need to buy Windows since i don't think i can find the old box w/ code/key thingy. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: SSgt. S. Woz Supporting Technician:1stLt. M. McDowell
  17. Happy birthday Candy! XD
  18. i love the snowflakes! Can we keep it going? Change the gif to coordinate with each season?
  19. ummm...ummmm
  20. That's what i was going to suggest too lol
  21. Nice! So you're shipping this to my house right? XD
  22. hahaha love watching these!
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