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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Stevenson

  1. Only reason i did not sign it is because they would probably make it so advanced for the time that most computers wont be able to run it.
  2. is this a scam?
  3. " I shot you first"! "No I shot you first"! "No I shot you first"!
  4. i don't get it what is it suppose to do?
  5. right all the way
  6. 40k has defiantly come along way from its days of just models witch was my day, to a crazy 3D game playing computer world. I always loved this game. I started playing back in 2002 and never stopped playing. I was the tau army and had a good size army of models. (Here is what the models looked like).
  7. Never went there but i did go to Iwo it was a sight to see.
  8. i liked the magic dragon to.
  9. the battery is your problem and if you run it today and everything runs fine after word and you try to start it tomorrow and has the same problem it might be your alternator. If you don't know what a alternator is it is what keeps your battery charged wile it is running.
  10. got it
  11. Happy Birthday
  12. Yea rocking it old school with speakers and a old ass mike total 10 bucks get some.
  13. You guys wont do know what i was doing for the time I was gone well hear it is. I got to shoot after this fire mission. I love this shit. I sound like a complete stoner but give me a brake i was on Sgt of the Gard (SOG) for 2 days before it was my turn makeing sure Pvt's, and Pfc's were doing there job.
  14. That's really cool man grate video. How did you make it to ware your name was highlighted in black on the right of the screen when you get a kill?
  15. I am going to have to say reading peoples thoughts just think you could never lose.
  16. That guy tea bagging the other dude that's funny Hell the hole video was funny!!
  17. If you could have one supper power what would it be and why?
  18. Old job New job You guys pick witch one is better! HIMARS, or Infantry?
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