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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Stevenson

  1. All I can say is "DAMN BIRD"!!!!!
  2. I know this was a old post, but anyone that plays golf knows everyone has those days. I had one just 2 weeks ago. Loving me some golf this summer!!
  3. If you could live next to any famous person who would it be and why?
  4. This is simply unbelievable I always liked GTA but never really played but after seeing this it if for sure going to be my next buy for a game 10 out of 10 in my book
  5. 7/10 cant say i am in to much to this type of music but i am open to new things witch is why i gave it a 7/10.
  6. NOW THIS IS FUNNY LOL!! Thanks guys for the help
  7. Dang the captain really put it out there. Nothing against Barry but, the game in my eyes dose not look so bad at first. But it kind of got me when it said it was free. I realize that in the world we live in nothing is free truly. So what would happen probably load your computer down with advertizements out of the ass and limited game play that only allows you to play so much and you end up only having so much to choose from. Only to find out that you have to pay 19.99 with your credit card to get the full version of the game. But what can you expect from a game that is free to download right.
  8. I have a fairly new computer and I had the package that lasted one month to protect it from any virus. Now I am looking for a GOOD and inexpensive one that will protect my computer from virus that may be out there any ideas?
  9. Both are good fighters but it was about time Silva lost one.
  10. This is exactly what i was thinking LOL
  11. That is real good bro keep it up
  12. This is almost to cool to believe. I really like the video and this guy is really good. nothing agents him but i am not to sure if this video was set up for this to happen or maybe bots not sure but since i don't know if it was set up i have to act like the guy is really getting these unbelievable kills like this every life. I really like the video editing to. All around GOOD video i liked it a lot.
  13. Just so there is know question this the new killswitch. It has it's high points but i like the old Killswitch better.
  14. 7/10 This is the old Killswitch Engage better then the new Killswitch or is it just me?
  15. I have seen this video and i love to watch the reaction on peoples face when they realize what just happened i truly is amazing!!!!
  16. what can you say BAD ASS
  17. in my opinion like it matters but i think Gay people choose to be gay God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve
  18. if he would have made it to the last bit i would have voted for the guy hands down
  19. Stevenson


    Cool lots of different likes i was a smoker then i quit but i have always been a dip man
  20. Stevenson


  21. Stevenson


    Don't be a quitter!!!
  22. Should weed or Marijuana be legal in the United States in every state? If so why. My opinion yes i myself do not use Marijuana but if the US would make it legal they could tax the crap out of it and get out of this debt this so called president has got us into or maybe not all of it but a good chunk.
  23. Stevenson


    The big question Smokeless tobacco aka (DIP) or smoking you pick. What brand of Tobacco do you like? I am a dip man myself My favorite Grizzly Wintergreen Long Cut.
  24. In my mind both Generation Kill and The Pacific are both spectacular films. I love what they did with both. I am a big fan of WW2 and yes they do talk a lot more in The Pacific but come on there are a lot of kick ass seince in the film. Generation Kill is a grate movie because its about the war we were in not to long ago. To tell you the truth i cant make up my mind.
  25. Dose Generation Kill out do The Pacific or the other way around? I love both and cant make up my mind
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