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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Stevenson

  1. Happy Birthday enjoy your day!!!
  2. What is the best Marine Corps ever made?
  3. My good friend Kevin Dubois served with me in Afghanistan he was in my unit and company. Let us remember why we have the freedoms we have. Freedom is not Free.
  4. As a vet from the Afghan campaigne OEF i know that war sells. The only people in this nation that bank from it is high leveled people, department of defense civilians or (DODC), and contractors. This conflict that is happening in Syria we should stay out of we need time to rebuild are forces. America is always out to babysit other nations going threw hard times. But America needs to focus on America. I am not saying that we should not go to war and kick ass and f-stuff up but like I said WE NEED TO FOCUS ON US!
  5. What do you shoot? I love golf and go every Sunday morning.
  6. happy birthday bro
  7. Thanks for the shout out. Got a 6 year old little girl who i am going to have to watch out for when she gets older. Just wait for those boys to find out that her dad is Marine. Happy father's day to all the other dads out their.
  8. i do just because i get paranoid that someone is going to brake into my house and i don't wont to be barefoot if that happens.
  9. after this happened i was disconnected and unable to get back on
  10. Stevenson


    I hope they come out with a new Fallout that would be so cool. Maybe one day
  11. PS4 in my book hands down
  12. Hope all goes well good luck and a safe and speedy recovery.
  13. nice Small now i know what you look like not really what i thought but not a bad thing.
  14. Post anything you like to rock out to!!!!
  15. God crated Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!!!
  16. get some lol WOW!!
  17. Earlier this evening i was just randomly knocked off the privet server. I am just posting this to cover myself also i tryed to get back on 3 times after witch i IM'ed Gysgt Brown and he said that he would tell the officer in the server at that time what my problem was. (thanks Gunny Brown)
  18. They made millions with stupidity what is the world coming to these days?
  19. freeze it on 6 seconds
  20. Ware at in Oklahoma?
  21. nice bro is this in camp leatherneck or what? what unit?
  22. yes the arrow should be right on top of my head. that was a ruff day for all of us we just gotten off a 3 day patrol and we were tired.
  23. i was deployed for 8 months marines only deploy for 7 but you can get extended for up to 9
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