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Everything posted by Stroops

  1. That piano had a bunch of little keyboards at home
  2. I almost spit out my cereal laughing! Oh.....My.....
  3. LiL B is a saint!
  4. Way To Go STONE YERRR
  5. And Hall is secretly Erik Estrada from CHiPS
  7. Dope Video Barry!
  8. Love System Shock 2, dat ending doe
  9. ID: CoayBay - Id love to join the platoon!
  10. See you on the Battlefield Bub!
  11. The best possible deal for BF4 is on 11/28, where there's a 4 hours period to get it for $25. This is from 6:10pm - 10:10pm PST. If you dont have it yet and want it, thats the best price to pick it up digitally!
  12. Oh You
  13. i think magoo has been having those fantasies about you again stone, something to do with fires and you rushing in to save him. Stone is the long lost brother of tommy gavin I thought this was common knowledge
  14. Its that time of year again boys and girls, hope you've been saving your nickels and dimes because this years digital games sales are looking to be pretty big this year. Heres are the larger deals some folks at reddit have come up with for the 1st day of amazons sale. Some of these end at random times so keep an eye on them and cross reference there price on different sites to maximize your dollar! I tired to organize the sales copy and pasting as best I could sorry if its a little cumbersome. Not a lot of must buys today but I think the Bioshock triple pack is must if you dont own any of those games. Happy shopping and if you dont think the game is worth the price I would defiantly wait it out until the big day. Name Price Date Over BioShock Triple Pack 14.99 12/03/2013 BATTLEFIELD: BAD COMPANY 2 ULTIMATE DIGITAL COLLECTION 8.99 11/27/2013 BULLETSTORM 4.99 11/27/2013 Burning Hot Bundle 5.99 11/27/2013 CRYSIS 2 MAXIMUM 7.49 11/27/2013 CRYSIS MAXIMUM 7.49 11/27/2013 Dead Island Franchise Pack (GOTY, Riptide + DLCs) 33.49 11/27/2013 Dead Island Riptide 19.99 11/27/2013 DEAD SPACE 4.99 11/27/2013 DEAD SPACE 2 4.99 11/27/2013 Kingdoms of Amalur Complete Bundle 8.49 11/27/2013 MASS EFFECT 4.99 11/27/2013 MASS EFFECT 2 4.99 11/27/2013 MASS EFFECT 3 6.99 11/27/2013 MEDAL OF HONOR ULTIMATE DIGITAL COLLECTION 8.99 11/27/2013 Risen 4.99 11/27/2013 Risen 2 Bundle 14.99 11/27/2013 Risen Franchise Pack 19.99 11/27/2013 Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 11/27/2013 Sacred Citadel 7.49 11/27/2013 SIM CITY 4 DELUXE 4.99 11/27/2013 SPORE ULTIMATE DIGITAL COLLECTION 9.99 11/27/2013 Street Fighter X Tekken Complete Pack 29.99 11/27/2013 Tiny & Big in: Grandpa's Leftovers 2.5 11/27/2013 Europa Universalis III Chronicles 14.99 11/28/2013 Europa Universalis IV 19.99 11/25/2013 Farming Simulator 2013 Titanium Edition 18.49 11/28/2013 FTL: Faster Than Light 5 11/28/2013 Magicka 4.99 11/28/2013 Megabyte Punch 7.49 11/28/2013 Metro 2033 7.49 11/28/2013 Metro Franchise Pack 36.66 11/28/2013 Metro Last Light 26.99 11/28/2013 Mount & Blade Collection 14.99 11/28/2013 Saints Row 2 7.49 11/28/2013 Saints Row IV 33.33 11/28/2013 Call of Duty: Black Ops 19.99 12/02/2013 Chivalry: Medieval Warfare 12.49 12/02/2013 Dark Messiah: Might & Magic 6.49 12/02/2013 Defense Grid Containment Bundle 4.99 12/02/2013 Diner Dash 1.69 12/02/2013 Driver San Francisco - Deluxe Edition 16.24 12/02/2013 Driver: Parallel Lines 6.49 12/02/2013 Euro Truck Simulator 2 11.99 12/02/2013 Euro Truck Simulator Gold 4.99 12/02/2013 Far Cry - 32 Bit OS Only 6.49 12/02/2013 Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition 6.49 12/02/2013 Garshasp: Temple of the Dragon 1.25 12/02/2013 Garshasp: The Monster Slayer 1.25 12/02/2013 Heroes of Might and Magic V 6.49 12/02/2013 I Am Alive 9.74 12/02/2013 IL-2 STURMOVIK: CLIFFS OF DOVER 12.99 12/02/2013 Jagged Alliance: Collector's Bundle 9.9975 12/02/2013 Killing Floor 4.5 12/02/2013 Mahjong Deluxe 2 1.25 12/02/2013 Prince of Persia 6.49 12/02/2013 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 6.49 12/02/2013 Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones 6.49 12/02/2013 Prince of Persia: Warrior Within 6.49 12/02/2013 Psychonauts 2.5 12/02/2013 Q.U.B.E. 4.99 12/02/2013 Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc 6.49 12/02/2013 Rayman Origins 12.99 12/02/2013 Red Orchestra 2.49 12/02/2013 SpaceChem 4.99 12/02/2013 Splinter Cell Conviction - Insurgency Pack 6.49 12/02/2013 Stacking 3.75 12/02/2013 Stealth Bastard Deluxe 2.99 12/02/2013 Strike Suit Zero 4.99 12/02/2013 Super Sanctum TD 0.99 12/02/2013 Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition 14.99 12/02/2013 Tom Clancy's EndWar 6.49 12/02/2013 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 6.49 12/02/2013 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 6.49 12/02/2013 Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X 2 6.49 12/02/2013 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 6.49 12/02/2013 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 6.49 12/02/2013 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory 6.49 12/02/2013 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction [Mac Download] 12.99 12/02/2013 Tropico 3 2.4975 12/02/2013 Tropico 4 7.4975 12/02/2013 Tropico Collection 9.9925 12/02/2013 Walking Dead 6.25 12/02/2013 Walking Dead: 400 Days 1.25 12/02/2013 Walking Dead Pack 7.49 12/02/2013 Worms Armageddon 7.49 12/02/2013 Worms Collection 22.49 12/02/2013 Worms Reloaded Game of the Year Edition 6.25 12/02/2013 Worms Revolution 7.49 12/02/2013 Worms Ultimate Mayhem 3.75 12/02/2013 Zeno Clash 2 4.99 12/02/2013 Borderlands 2 and Borderlands GOTY 11.99 12/03/2013 Bully 7.49 12/03/2013 Bully + Manhunt1&2 + Midnight Club 2 7.99 12/03/2013 CIV IV COMPLETE 14.99 12/03/2013 CIV V COMPLETE (GOLD PLUS BRAVE NEW WORLD) 19.99 12/03/2013 GTA 3 4.99 12/03/2013 GTA IV 9.99 12/03/2013 GTA SAN ANDREAS 7.49 12/03/2013 GTA TRILOGY 6.99 12/03/2013 GTA VICE CITY 4.99 12/03/2013 L.A. NOIRE 9.99 12/03/2013 MANHUNT 4.99 12/03/2013 MANHUNT 2 7.49 12/03/2013 MAX PAYNE 3 + Season Pass 6.99 12/03/2013 MIDNIGHT CLUB 2 4.99 12/03/2013 SPEC OPS 14.99 12/03/2013 X-COM COLLECTION (CLASSICS +EU + DLC) 9.99 12/03/2013 X-COM ENEMY UNKNOWN 19.99 12/03/2013 X-COM: COMPLETE PACK (CLASSICS) 7.49 12/03/2013 Rumored amazon Black Friday deals (Not definite): BATTLEFIELD 4 29.00 Castlevania: LOS Unknown Link!
  15. From Martin... It was suppose to be a secret
  16. He's in all sorts of good things, such as 12 Monkeys. Cant believe Ripley hasn't seen Die Hard
  17. You show'em giraffe!
  19. I think surgery is in order.
  20. Oh my....
  21. Wahoowa! Hope you have a good one!
  22. Wahoowa!
  23. Glad your okay pal, I hope you get to rent a small Italian sports car for your troubles
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