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Everything posted by Stroops

  1. Number 8 is the best one
  2. Stroops

    DOTA 2

    Life Stealer and Sniper!
  3. They could be announcing a new game the last day, will see!
  4. "conjured up to me the rebel alliance fighting against the empire. The empire being the Washington, D.C., establishment." Interesting perspective lol
  5. Slayin' it Vik!
  6. 5/10 I just cant get into anything linkin park past Metorea, well Minutes till midnight was okay I dunno.
  7. http://store.steampowered.com/livingroom/SteamOS/ One of the three big announcements by Valve this week, Steam is now coming out with an operating system to run with the client. "You can play all your Windows and Mac games on your SteamOS machine, too. Just turn on your existing computer and run Steam as you always have - then your SteamOS machine can stream those games over your home network straight to your TV!" Its also going to be released free and will remain free and will work with Windows, Mac, and Linux based games. Thoughts? I'm super intrigued to see what it can do as streaming and cloud services looks like the big push for this OS. Another announcement will be made the 25th of September, the rumor on the internet is it will be the "Steam Box" (SteamOS in a box) but who knows. The final announcement is rumored to be Valves new engine Source 2. Ill edit the thread when they make the announcements!
  8. What? Cannon blew his load too early
  9. I believe it was charlie legend and another SNCO possibly griswold
  10. Too much fancy living going on in all those signs, nice collage candy!
  11. Barry actually does kind of sound like Dante
  12. Happy Birthday Bud!
  13. my life is ruined now i can no longer leave my computer
  14. Stroops


  15. Wish I could have made it
  16. I think the lesson we've learned here is that stone is old.
  17. Happy Birthday !!!
  18. Happppppppy Birthhhhhhhhhhday!
  20. Too many silly people in the world blaming things just because, reminds me of that asshole Jack Thompson http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Thompson_(activist) Fuck this guy
  21. I don't get it... Is she standing in front of a giant mirror? How is she taking a "selfie"? Front Facing Cameras on IPhones? .. but the camera's in the shot... So, is someone taking a picture of her taking a picture of herself? Maybe there's a large mirror at the beach Maybe it's photoshoped? You mean maybe she's really a little over weight, has some cellulite and a birth mark? Yes, you can see some of the work done on her legs... Btw this quote is getting dumb Hour glass quotes for the win
  22. What ever i'm getting it for PC When is the PC Release date? In a month possibly... IF theirs a PC Release at all, also, played about 2 hours and its fantastic
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