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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Stroops

  1. Excellent work guys wish I could have been their!
  2. Humble bundle is now having a weekly sale for the next 5 days on 6 paradox games, 8 if you pay the current 5.80$ average. Games are: Europa Universalis III Complete (warning, this is not really complete, see page for more details) War of the Roses: Kingmaker Warlock: Master of the Arcane Leviathan: Warships Dungeonland The Showdown Effect Crusader Kings II and Magicka if you beat the average. Has anyone thrown down for this yet? Dungeonland seems like a interesting game to play with friends and if anyone buys the bundle hit me up to play it!
  3. Bonne Anniversary
  4. +1
  5. That's literally Brown, Quarterman, and Reis in that gif, respectively. This is how Brown actually feels about your comment Pinion
  6. So close :'(
  7. Gardner.......that was beautiful
  8. Stroops

    Quote Thread

    That whole round made me so sad to be a Pfc.
  9. Well I'm off to do some investigating!
  10. Yum.
  11. You forgot this Quarterman
  12. I wouldnt hesitate for a second on that one.
  13. He really was.
  14. WHAT?!!! LOL Cannon I didnt know you were in the movie Christmas Vacation!?
  15. A Confederacy of Dunces by James Kennedy Toole Its basically about a fat smart Don Quixote esque character who wanders around New Orleans and does things while being a good for nothing
  16. That song really worked well with the video! Nasty Nas Nas Nas Nas
  17. I didnt get to watch it either
  18. Excellent choice you will not be disappointed!
  19. Everything I know about motorcycle clubs I've learned from sons of anarchy. Thanks for your service!
  20. Richmond! I saw dying fetus one time with cattle decapitation
  21. Okay like the bum I am I skipped some of the posts on the second page and everyone went from talking about how retarted these girls were acting to poodles and duckfaces and gravy and french fries and and and fuck the maple leafs and and and and
  22. If the battery is good and functioning but always dead it could be the alternator, the thing that charges the battery when the cars on.
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