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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Rijke

  1. which insane hud is this?
  2. Name: mayne- Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:19358932 Reasons for the Ban: joined the server and killed 2 or 3 teammates and left. Recommended duration of ban: a couple days to a week Demo Provided?: N Y/N
  3. No it's still dark I'll just live with it though
  4. How do I disable this it resets my binds and my game options everytime I restart the game
  5. Helped a little but in my original post if you look at my screenshot the brightness is all the way up but you still can't see the words that should appear in the box
  6. Full screen
  7. Didn't work screen brightened but the shadows are still extremely dark and when smoke grenades are deployed the smoke is black not gray
  8. "mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled" = "0" "mat_monitorgamma_tv_exp" = "2.5" min. 1.000000 max. 4.000000 "mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_max" = "255" "mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_min" = "16"
  9. ok i did everything what it said and it still didnt work. I know i did it right also because i use to have my own config but ever since i reinstalled dod:s my game hasnt been acting right
  10. Just an FYI we have a medical supply office where you can get help on issues like this and many other technical aspects. sorry i was looking for it but i wasnt expecting it to be under medical supply office lol
  11. ok so since i started playing again and reinstalled dod:s i noticed my game was really dark and then i tried to turn up the brightness, but then this happened. if someone could help me it would be much appreciated
  12. with what im doing to this picture idk if its even allowed
  13. http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/vide...CSGW8F132qq657a he is at 17 seconds
  14. Japan (25) USA (22) Mexico (19) Canada (25) Russia (20) England (19) Norway (23) North Korea (6) Sweden (25) Finland (20) Germany (18) China (18)
  15. Thank you based Cast
  16. Pvt. C. Rijke Counterstrike: Global Offensive
  17. I forgot my laptop charger at home so I can't do the drawing guys!!! I'm sorry lol
  18. Rijke

    N64 emulator

    What step are you at?
  19. Rijke

    N64 emulator

    Mfw no one wants to play Mario smash brothers with me online
  20. Rijke

    N64 emulator

    Alrighty men I feel this should be in the mess hall cause it should. Don't you wish you could play each other online in Mario kart?? N64??? Well now you can Here's the emulator download (take the 0.41 one that supports netplay) http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/n64/project64.html Unzip where u wish. Step 2. Download the games (I've only bothered getting 2 atm) http://coolrom.com/roms/n64/7582/Mario_Kart_64.php http://coolrom.com/roms/n64/1232/Super_Smash_Bros..php The download link looks like this: Click it, and wait for download to start, unzip the game into your Roms folder in the Project64 folder. Step 3. Start the Emulator. Double-click the Project64k.exe (You will "most likely" get an error message about your GFX DLL.) What you do is go into settings: Then select one of the 3 options in Video (graphics) plugin. (don't think it matters which one) Step 4. You are now able to play however the emulator has some premade Rom list that fucks shit up. Here's what you do. Go to File > Choose Rom Directory.. And select the folder named Roms. (press ok) Now try clicking Refresh Room List under File. If you have added both Mario Kart 64 and Super Smash Brothers then both games should be visible in the list and the other games that were previously there should be gone. Attempt double-clicking the games in the list to make sure they are working. Step 5. Netplay. Go to File > Start Netplay.. Select 1. P2P and from here you can either host a game or connect to an existing game by typing in the IP of the hoster. We are now able to play There are also alot of dedicated hosts it seems where you can join and play games against randoms, just select 2. Client in the list where u selected 1. P2P. My friend showed me this its legit And I forgot puush isn't allowed on this website for some reason I did this on my phone so when I get back on my computer which will be tomorrow most likely i will put pics to help you if needed
  21. Sorry for taking so long with the 3rd picture been trying to think of what to do but you guys can keep posting pictures you want me to do
  22. why not
  23. will do this tomorrow will take a lot of energy heh.
  24. figured it out thanks
  25. im trying to get this as my avatar or signature if you could help me would be much appreciated http://www.iruntheinternet.com/01967
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