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C. Wilson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by C. Wilson 1st MRB

  1. Name: miguel110989 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:500295071 Duration of Ban: Permanent. Reasons for the Ban: Ban evasion, Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:50253503 Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments:
  2. Name: W0O0dP3CkeR Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:50253503 Duration of Ban: Permanent. Reasons for the Ban: Was originally banned for 1 month for 5 total bans. Was then caught on a new account on our server with the same IP, country and city. Ban upgraded to permanent for ban evasion. Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments:
  3. Name: Bolivia AKA BoliviasheilaSHEILA Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:501490093 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Alt account of [svrL]sheila|SHEILA|Bo Livia|, STEAM_0:0:488558612 Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments:
  4. Name: [svrL]sheila|SHEILA|Bo Livia| Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:488558612 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Was originally banned for 3 days for trolling/teamkilling. Then joined up with the name "Bolivia" on a brand new account, same city and all. Turns out to be the same guy. Ban upgraded to permanent for ban evasion. Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments:
  5. Banned 1 day for disrespect after talking to another Officer.
  6. Name: geratum Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:16145819 Duration of Ban: Permanent. Reasons for the Ban: Player has reached 5 total bans within a very short time. Comments:
  7. Just donated 10$, more to come!
  8. Name: Mayhem Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:159469188 Duration of Ban: Permanent. Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot. Demo Provided?: Y/N Yes. Comments: Spectated by C. Small and Benson. Ban Request for Reference
  9. Player has been banned permanently, thank you for bringing this to our attention.
  10. The Command Staff has decided that in order to have a look at a possible unban, he will need to post a unban request himself. Signed, C. Wilson
  11. The Command Staff is looking into this, we will be back with a decision shortly.
  12. Name: BLACK MAN FROM CONGO Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:28472333 Duration of Ban: Permanent. Reasons for the Ban: Racism. Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments: Player was being abuse with the N word and talked bad about jews. Player also sprayed a spray saying N must die.
  13. I have decided to unban you, however you were banned back then for a reason so please read our server rules listed when you join our server. Signed, C. Wilson, Military Police Deputy Chief
  14. Player has been banned for 2 days.
  15. Have a good one everyone!
  16. Yeah, the 20 series looks good.
  17. Looks good. I’m currently running a i7 6700 and GTX 1070 8 GB.
  18. Player has been banned for 2 days, thank you for posting.
  19. Name: el super sedutor Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:418404255 Duration of Ban: Permanent. Reasons for the Ban: Has reached 5 bans total. Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments:
  20. Name: BIG DICK JOHNSON 21 CM Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:455433212 Duration of Ban: Permanent. Reasons for the Ban: Bagrov alt account. Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments:
  21. Ban upgraded to permanent ban.
  22. Not sure why you posted a ban report, when he was only banned for a week. I have changed it to a ban request and upgraded his ban from 1 week to 1 month. Signed, C. Wilson, Military Police Deputy Chief.
  23. Banned for 1 week.
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