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Everything posted by eXo

  1. Thank You, Cast! I should be on a large portion tomorrow. GF works, and I just gotta do laundry. =D
  2. Hello All Again! Just had a quick question... The 1st MRB Steam Community, is that open for anyone to join? Say if we play on the server a lot, and just want to be able to be part of the community? I honestly just like playing with most of you guys, but Realism isn't for me, hence why I play on the normal server. THOUGH, I do I have some Vaca coming up (9 days I think), so I promise to give Realism a shot. Mainly though, I just like playing regular DoD, with the server rules. I even go as far as to attempt to help people go to this website and sign up, and state the rules as most loyal players to the server do, when people start acting foolish, stupid, vengeful, inappropriate, etc... I don't want anything... Just to be, part of the Community. "Friends" if you will. I don't know all of you yet, but I hope to get to know most of you at some point. It's nice having you guys on Steam as friends for when things i the server get skewed, I can easily message someone from the 1stMRB. If it's restricted, I completely understand! It does make since. No Harm. No Foul! Gotta run. Your server always makes me late for work playing video games O.o Bad Excuses lol
  3. Also... I apologize for any and all grammar errors. I texted this all on my phone, at work. Plus, I am not very forum savvy!
  4. Hello! My name is Johann (Yo-Hon). Yes, like Sebastian Bach. I look around, but did not see a place to say hello, in order to introduce myself. I just recently started playing on Steam again. Use to be a avid counter strike player, and competitive leagues. During those times, I found DoD, and started playing for fun. I have no played FPS games in almost 7-8 year... Really just wanted to post on here so some people might know who I am is the server, or get to know me. I tend to have a habit of staying with servers that I like. Your server, being one of the best. Noy just the gameplay, but the admins, and loyal players as well. Though I should let you know, that I like, and respect, the server you guys run, and the way you run it. Hope this gets me to know if you more people. Typically when I am on the server, I play a bit with Legend (the person who invited me), Balian, Stone, and Brown. Though I have seen more, I usually don't talk on my mic much, if at all, during full server, as to attempt to not suck. I have been asked several times to enlist, which I see as flattering and an honor! Though, not sure Realism is for me. After knowing all involved in training, strategy, and practice, after we stopped competition league and pretty much quit playing, it was hard for me to even play counter strike. I like being just a player in your server, for now. It's fun, friendly, and has simple yey respective rules. Though, I would like to state, people need to understand TKing will happen, and they should be smart enough to recognize when it is intentional a lot, or accidental. Not that I TK much at all, I very rarely do, and never intentionally! Heck, I get YKed more than anyone! (was a joke on the server a few nights back because I was accidentally getting TKed like crazy!) Has nothing to do with any of the members, just an observation how people are quick to shout out a blame, without assessing the situation. Thank You for letting me play on your server! Also, for being a decent group of people to play games with. I would like to play more often, but I work retail 40 hours a week, and live with my girlfriend, you simply does not understand people to play video games as a part of life. However, she is very understanding about it at times, which is how I play more now, usually with you guys! I mostly play under "eXo". Note, No Period in my name! An imposter tried that trick and TKed a bunch to get me blamed! I also play under "i.bot" at times. Got the name from the movie I.Robot, and use to get banned on CS servers a lot during my competitive days, accused of hacking. Much like a Bot. The name was fitting at the time. Anyways... just wanted to say hi, and introduce myself. Hope to see you guys/gals around! Don't be afraid to say Hi! Sincerely, Johann - eXo
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