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Fong 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Fong 1st MRB

  1. Wings overtake the preds!! Woooo
  2. Anyone else playing MAG? I love this game even more than I like Bad Company 2 (namely because BC2 doens't support 128 vs 128 games). Let me know! PSN: DeathToNewbies
  3. This game is so fun Its too bad I don't have anyone else I know to play with
  4. I love this game Faction: SVER PSN: DeathToNewbies
  5. lol why do you hate us so Ford?
  6. Hi! Lol sorry didn't reply to you earlier, I was away from my comp.
  7. If any of you guys are familiar with WC3, you'd prob know about the popular mod Dota. This mod now has its own standalone game called Heroes of Newerth. www.heroesofnewerth.com (I think). Anyhow its the game I've been playing as of late for the last month or 2 so come hit me up when you get the chance my handle is OoToro (yes the sushi )
  8. Damn nice seats you got there
  9. Joker is highly overrated. He just doesn't have the vision and creativity to become a superstar player though. Other than that, the rest of the team isn't doing badly all things considering. But having Regehr out last night against the Kings shows how important he is though. At least the team is doing better tha nlast year IMO. Its too bad my Wings are sinking The only good thing sofar is that Howard finally replaced Ozzie as he should've done like a year ago.
  10. Was thinking about it, ACI was too much repetition though, is that the same for ACII? Do i have to pickpocket and listen in on every single target's things before I can kill them and do I always have to run after them for 2 miles before they stop miraculously?
  11. Fong 1st MRB


    Watch the response its even more hilarious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyVvpM3UeJM&NR=1
  12. Fong 1st MRB


    I paid $49 at BB.
  13. Fong 1st MRB


    Had a couple minor instances of P2P lag but oh well, the game works well still. I've only been playing MP sofar so be sure to hit me up
  14. Greatest deke ever. In a shootout In a game situation.
  15. Hey guys! All my players are up for trade for their equivalent Detroit players! Trying to re-create my favourite team so help me out Thanks.
  16. You're lucky I had to autopick
  17. You guys are going down. Plus my Wings will win this year despite me not having a single wings player on my roster lol.
  18. Haha I had all u punks throwing spears and shooting arrows at me the entire time Actually whats the hardest class considered in that game? I can't hit anything with that longbow terence_fong@hotmail.com
  19. I fantasize about smashing your head in with a hammer...and it came true last nite!!! Take that you little dodging pos crossbow:P
  20. I'll be game for it.
  21. Dust it and check your fan! Ball bearing might be loose?
  22. Which city are you from Gooder? I'll be at Playon too in Calgary.
  23. Thats right boys and girls My Ballhockey team took the gold in the annual Cassie Campbell hosted tournament with Pat Quinn. On worse note my first seeded team was upset by the last placed team last week and another team failed to qualify for playoffs in two different leagues. So if anyone has been wondering Yes I've been busy with a lot of hockey lately.
  24. The Sharks are going to get upset by the Ducks
  25. You guys want to do a draft or a pool of sorts? Those are always fun http://www.thehockeypool.com/ I can host a draft $5 each on paypal? or for free we can do... http://www.yoursportpools.com
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