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C. Small 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by C. Small 1st MRB

  1. I do believe this is in England , we have a big problem with east european's (poles ukraine's blah blah) fishing , Instead of put the fish back after catching them as you're supposed to do they take them home and eat them. So yes this sign is justified.
  2. If I had a picture of a face palm I'd put it up , luckily I'm too lazy . To say his was a traitor is absolute rubbish , he's taking a stand against some1 he see's as wrong (and which is) "Sometimes standing for something means standing alone."
  3. Good man , add me up , Smallicus
  4. I do agree with these as such , (although this has been tried) One map everyone really enjoyed the other day was dod_dijon map was 32/32 the whole time (which is rare for custom ) . But A big thank you for your input Theik P.S stop bloody well killing me
  5. happy bday yama!
  6. hahaha omg the carlton dance hahahahahaha
  7. 9/10 how could you not like it , would be 10/10 if they were neked
  8. Blood for the blood god..............what
  9. Play with yourself.
  10. Thats just reis lag armor.
  11. Granted : I don't know what pountine is so you will be raped by a rampant elephant. I wish that humanity become smart enough to disprove without a doubt religion.
  12. Did you unrar them and move the DOD map file from Rar into the map file?
  13. Granted : you now become the teams personal Spitoon. I wish I could lie and that everyone would believe every lie I tell .
  14. Granted peaker beats you in a leadership arguement and takes over as LT COL. I wish i had the body of a Adonis.
  15. Dude that sucks lol , Think I'd die if I lived in Utah
  16. More like it for Canada.
  17. 7/10 be better if it was a frenchman
  18. Most inpressive
  19. That awkward moment when shaving off your Moustasche and only the hitler Moustache remains
  20. He's not sorry , He's just sorry he got caught.
  21. Dafuq did I just watch!
  22. After speaking with graves via steam chat he seems to have resolved the problem , the cause of this was magnetic interference from the speaker and microphone being to close to the monitor. If any further issues arise please post on here , Moving to resolved will leave it in the tickets just incase.
  23. I must admit I never noticed till Canon mentioned it xD And have we ever had one for the Private?
  24. S'all good I am the ghost whisperer after all
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