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C. Small 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by C. Small 1st MRB

  1. Vodka , milk , kahlua :white russian guiness tia maria vodka and coke , black russian
  2. oh and bradley lives nearish me as well
  3. The entrance fee to my house is buttsex......
  4. Romania england same thing i dont think youre right on this one lol Don't Lie i'm always right
  5. Romania england same thing
  6. i have a car and alot of time so we can do a road trip to every1 xD
  7. MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMMEEMMEMEMEMEMe I love in hastings sussex on teh south coast , maybe every1 could meet up , like takel me cast girrafe gavri and others get a big party going.
  8. Azzila is also a 1st sas member as well so he should know better
  9. real life , and I'm going into hiding after this before I get parkercalated
  10. *Bump* This must be seen
  12. Good , drink so much of it that you get muteism
  13. Jessica alba so i could stare at her boobies... and don't you judge me
  14. 10/10 Good pick. Now this uncomfortable rendition of Bizet's Habenara (I actually just found this today when I looked up Habenara on YouTube, be prepared for WTF moments) 3/10 for all you sweds
  15. This is a known issue and being worked upon currently http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=23528
  16. still be looked into , but no-ones sure what it is i'm gonna try a few things tonight
  17. yep i've resolved it by moving all the steamapps files in with exception of the DOD's one all its worked , HALLEJUHAH
  18. hmmm don't believe so , because when i move the steamapps folder out and i install Dod's again it works fine but when i move the folder back in it doesn't work , what I might try , is when I move the apps folder back in , I'll pick out all the The DOD's stuff in it so there's no clashes
  19. hmmm seems only to work when i move the steamapps file out , and when i move it back in dods stops working again
  20. Tried putting it on photobucket first ?>
  21. Magoo's solution didn't work and the steamapps moving probaly wouldn't work because i don't have anyother source games installed. never know might fix itself overnight
  22. roger , attempting magoo's solution ATM , will keep you posted
  23. Just had a update for DOD.s and guess what , ITS DOING IT AGAIN , god damn steam and they're updates , gonna give it a day and see if its caught up , if that doesn't work i'll re-install all source games
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