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C. Small 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by C. Small 1st MRB

  1. Name:¿Blackbeard¿ Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:60555840 Reasons for the Ban:about 8 tks in spawn then fled the server Recommended duration of ban:2weeks for the tk and having a silly name Demo Provided?: booher stevenson and newman were present.
  2. That makes no literally no sense. The Obama administration has been very forthright with it's stance on Syria, it has said that the use of chemical weapons is a redline, and it's come to light that chemical weapons have more than likely been used. They will now infact help aid the Free Syrian Army (The rebels) with WEAPONS, not military forces. Bullets .... Sarin , whats the difference
  3. Accually I think you'll find the war is aiding your's and our economy , wars fund company's like Boeing and arms makers , tis a rather niéve view to think that the war is crippling you economy when in fact it's funding it.
  4. to make a cliché quote War sells..... and i don't personally agree with sending military ground forces in but I do agree with enforcing a no-fly zone like they did with Libya but the problem with that is that unlike Libya Syria has very advanced SAM's and the losses would be very unpopular with the masses , and I'm also against arming the rebels since I disagree with giving the enemy weapons......
  5. I play golf with grenades , cus i'm ard like that.
  6. Thanks alot guys , although t/5 klien pfc brew and pvt krecrerick from 1st rb were present so they probaly already know
  7. b]Name:Burchfield 1stRB [App] Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:63039547 Reasons for the Ban:about 5/6 deliberate tks then fled server Recommended duration of ban:2 weeks for being a plank Demo Provided?: No , but booher , kanon , wilson and several others were present
  8. A texture skin shouldn't crash a demo , you'd just have a missing patch , unless you're missing large amounts of them
  9. Attempted one yesterday on our server and it crashed on about 3min more , could be update corrupting files
  10. happy bday buddy
  11. League win , obviously , then lots of young talent coming through
  12. I have noticed alot of pings seem to be abnormally high lately aswell, not sure would could be causing it
  13. rephrase that , a mission for the campaign is out
  14. Campaign for COH 2 is now out , GET PLAYING
  15. Do you have your lerp set to anything silly ?
  16. Name:Admiral Piett Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:52541090 Reasons for the Ban:Several tks in spawn then fled the server Recommended duration of ban: 3 weeks , for doing it 3 times seems fair Demo Provided?: No , Ssgt barry was present
  17. This thing is so much fun
  18. Thats correct , but the beta's being closed on june 15th.
  19. tend to find that there's alot more euro playing on the pub nowdays , my ping is a regular 100 - 120 without lag
  20. You would know donatello
  21. Just allow me to get my troubleshooting baseball bat
  22. yes with his brand of mental illness
  23. OMFG this is soooo funny
  24. happy bday buddy
  25. Name: Netza Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:1865145 Reasons for the Ban: 4 tks in spawn Recommended duration of ban: 3 days Demo Provided: No , newman farmer and several others were present
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