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C. Small 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by C. Small 1st MRB

  1. Name:JuicyҲҲҲ Steam I.D: 0:0:7153927 Reasons for the Ban:Deliberate team-wounding in spawn then fled the server. Recommended duration of ban:2 days. Demo Provided?: No.
  2. Happy bday janko
  3. Good to hear , and no problem , s'what we do.
  4. Is this only on DOD.S or any other game? and is it only on our servers?
  5. Arevicci's solution didn't work for arsenault , gonna research some more solutions
  6. happy bday buddy
  7. I get a steady ping of about 120 mainly because of where you are (I live in U.K) and as the lieutenant colonel pointed out the privae server is in a different location , changing this to resolved , if anymore problems message me or repost on this
  8. if that doesn't work , go into steam right click on DOD then click properties, then click launch options , the type -autoconfig, you will lose your custom stuff though
  9. You'll love the tiger , fooking excellent sniping tank
  10. Happy bday buddy
  11. Name: Christian Small Rank: Private First Class Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Software, Steam Brief Description of Issue: On any attempt to load DOD S it will open up to the valve screen but in a smaller window than usual , After that it will tab me out then refuse to re-open , but if i mouse over the area on my home screen it will act as though the game is still open I.E making the clicking noises that it makes when u mouse over the options such as find server. And it is only DOD .s that does this , New Update buggered it methinks ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Holland Supporting Technician:
  12. Most sprays now work , not sure as to what was done , but mine works and many others , if someone did this I can go on record as saying MUCH LOVE.
  13. baguette Cheddar cheese Fillet steak English mustard
  14. for the Canadians
  15. Just got the at8 after a age with the at2 , can be pretty fun lol , takes a stone age to get anywhere though lol
  16. Be nice to takel he is a yokel after all ;P
  17. I'ma brown nose i chose the major XD
  18. I thought that happened ? Not sure about the validity of this though Visca , If it were in a newspaper or news channel (excludes fox news) then I might be more inclined to believe it.
  19. You wish jellyfish , i'm hidden in the middle of a zombie army atm xD , no effing clue how i'm gonna get out lol
  20. I'm bored and want someone to play with get yo asses on dayz
  21. leonardo di caprio , Takel wishes
  22. i would join but i play on EU server
  23. Where's Canada ? South America or something Thought it was in Antarctica.
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