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C. Small 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by C. Small 1st MRB

  1. nice parasites
  2. ''landchads''
  3. Everyone knows the gulags were for re-education purposes , the CIA spread the lie that they were work camps where people are worked to death.
  4. Wright you are a fascist and the revolution will not spare you.
  5. So we all know landlords are leeches , but the question is what to do with them when the revolution comes. A. They get the wall B. They repay their crimes in the gulag *edit for the enemies of the revolution : the wall is firing squad
  6. Ma facebook profile pic per request +
  7. Banned for 2 weeks
  8. They're trying to currently , got a friend out fighting in Donetsk with the Ukrainian volunteers.
  9. 2 questions , when was the last time you restarted steam and when did you last reinstall the game.
  10. Both Perma yeeted
  11. Name: Johnny Rebel Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:19139895 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Racismo Demo Provided?: Comments: Bigot lives dont matter Name: Tre K Natsukiツ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:222962374 Duration of Ban: Racismo Reasons for the Ban: Perma Demo Provided?: Comments: Bigot lives don't matter
      • 1
      • Thanks
  12. Don't think he's hacking after watching all the demos , would like more opinions though.
  13. Checking Burke demo now.
  14. So alot of the things in the first demo that look dodgy can be attributed to reading the map or hearing footsteps , best example is in the tank house in the first video , you can clearly hear the axis in the house among other things. My opinion : no cheets.
  15. i'll take a look , although just for future if you're unsure about a player you can check their stats on gameme, For example this is ftp http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/playerinfo/174252 also known as nbc who's kinda a regular on our server aswell as the fact his stats aren't really sus.
  16. its swings and roundabouts with covid deaths , like sure some may be over reported in the US and west but they're being under reported in China and massively under reported in India (700k dead , more like 2 million). 5 out of six people agree that russian roulette is safe , thats why ancedotal evidence isn't useful.
  17. Anecdotal evidence isn't really evidence and as to that article there isn't really anything to that other than propaganda , so lets say 10% of Covid deaths are inflated , thats still 600k dead in just the US from it.
  18. Source?
  19. 2020 was the deadliest year on record since 1918 (spanish flu) covid is nowhere near comparable to normal influenza.
  20. Leave it to the employer if they wanna mandate compulsory vaccines , but like don't whine when they yeet your ass for being a walking vector.
  21. Upon reviewal of the demo aswell as Texas vouching for you i'm confident enough to say you weren't hacking. I'll go ahead and unban you , apologies for the confusion.
  22. Bare with while I look into this.
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