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C. Small 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by C. Small 1st MRB

  1. very nice viktor , always been more of a khorne man meself , simply because of kharn the betrayer and his beastliness
  2. Not Bad Cannon I'd give it a 8/10 Here is some sweet Romantic metal..... Heard it before , not really my cuppa but still a good song 8.5/10 Lets go heavy
  3. Also if you go on a Italian cruise ship , they'll sail into some rocks for free!
  4. Gah i want to expand my crew til they get their collective heads out of their asses and get it on the PC!! hahahaha no worries one day cross platform compatibility will happen! as fucking if lol , to much money to be had keeping it seperate.
  5. Bit to chessy for me so here's abit of anti-religion music
  6. 6/10 didn't accually mind it surprisingly
  7. Not when its the truth. Dreamworld much
  8. I actually met two Brits in Florida that were trying to pass themselves off as Canadian back in 1995, I called them out on it. They failed and got laughed out of the bar we all were in. So yea you "englsh" people do try to pretend to be Canadian, why because even in your own country Canadians are shown respect. Why because we were the first to support you back in WW2, we are "English" citizens, last I looked we still swear allegiance to the British Crown. Most people "pretend" to be Canadian when travelling abroad especially in European countries because of the respect we are shown. I've had friends backpack in Europe and they have had people invite them into their homes for dinner and a warm place to sleep instead of a hostel/motel. And when they have offered to pay/help out told that the debt was already paid long ago. Lets see a "English" person gain that same level of respect. We might be a "lesser" being but I'd rather be lesser then full of oneself. And calling me full of my self is really hypocriticial judging by what you just wrote.
  9. I actually met two Brits in Florida that were trying to pass themselves off as Canadian back in 1995, I called them out on it. They failed and got laughed out of the bar we all were in. So yea you "englsh" people do try to pretend to be Canadian, why because even in your own country Canadians are shown respect. Why because we were the first to support you back in WW2, we are "English" citizens, last I looked we still swear allegiance to the British Crown. Most people "pretend" to be Canadian when travelling abroad especially in European countries because of the respect we are shown. I've had friends backpack in Europe and they have had people invite them into their homes for dinner and a warm place to sleep instead of a hostel/motel. And when they have offered to pay/help out told that the debt was already paid long ago. Lets see a "English" person gain that same level of respect. We might be a "lesser" being but I'd rather be lesser then full of oneself. Being full of oneself is the greatest feeling anyone could feel , I love visiting commonwealth countries and being asked by security staff "reason of vist " I get really tempted to just slap em aside with my british passport and say reason to visit? IMPERIALISM MOVE IT LACKEY
  10. I can safely say english people never pretend to be canadian , why would we pretend to be a lesser being?
  11. This proves this cannon is a team killing turd , someone ban him.
  12. thought it was 86th ID ? but anyway good job guys and congrats
  13. nope never heard of him
  14. and we nearly beat it with the ironman game
  15. Just hang em
  16. 0/10 one of the poser bands I despise most in the world This is more like it
  17. If reis ever denies that he has have lag armor this is proof Damage Given to "SSgt. A. Reis [1st MRB]" - ( life ID 186 ) - 100 in 1 hit That was with a nade and he survived .......
  18. go into steam , find day of defeat in the list , right click and select properties , then click the tab saying general and select launch options then in the box type this. -autoconfig exactly like that. This will make dod launch as vanilla , let me know if this works try browns first though
  19. That's not all he's doing while in that bush....... lets just say there is not enough bleach in the world to sanitize the ground around that bush........ Not enough agent orange you mean xD
  20. Don't lie cannon you just sit in a bush drunk
  21. Lol i always do it to allied sniper house when on axis xD
  22. FUCK YO TEA!
  23. I installed insane's hud (three versions) to test if that may be affecting it , what running sytem do you use (windows ETC)
  24. Accually if you're in Manchester you don't wear liverpool shirts , If you do it ends with a bad case of deadness
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