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C. Small 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by C. Small 1st MRB

  1. played the beta looked pretttyyyy awesome
  2. did this work for you lopez?
  3. what i do not miss is stepping on a lego brick in the middle of the night
  4. He did this earlier as well , came on the server and said " what kind of N****** runs a server like this , left before anything could be done
  5. Is this on all servers ? or specific ones
  6. wtf now dod has disappered when i moved to steamapps files back to where it was
  7. Crap , its doing it again god freaking damn it
  8. Cutt's advice seems to have resolved it , i had to move my steamapps file so it unintalled all the games on steam the installed only DoDs , i believe it was the shared games such as tf2 and half life dm
  9. happy birthday buddy , i would say i hope you get drunk , but you probaly already are
  10. under cutts's advice i've moved the steam apps files so it manually uninstalls all shared program and only installs DoDs
  11. Everyone knows reading things is 4 stoopid peeps , knw wht im saying bruv ?
  12. still no banana , tried re-installing , tried verifying , tried deleting the files and many other things that i can't fully remeber
  13. Tried re-installing the game but still no sucess with that , not sure what else to try
  14. deleted it but still no download it looks like.
  15. tried all of that no succes , me and Holland spent about a hour trying to fix
  16. Name:Christian Small Rank: Cpl Type of issue: Steam Brief Description of Issue: After new update on attempt to join server I get the message "server is running a newer version of the game " and won't let me join , when i try to find a game in main server area , there are none avalible , me and Holland have tried many different things to rectify this but have had no sucess , if anyone could help I would be most grateful. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status:Pending Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  17. Or this one of moi looking like a criminal
  18. AYE AYE
  19. sounds like the mods have gone down
  20. Cauliflower beanbag
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