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Everything posted by zorromafioso

  1. I am correct, so I apologize to the admin Gougeon, because the player Almeida, explained the reason and I, not quite understand the words, did not know what they were asking ....
  2. WHY WAS BANNED? WILL HAVE ANY SERVER ADMIN IGNORANT ??? First I was sent off !! and returned, was banned. I have done nothing wrong !!! I honor, I am the Active Reserve of the Brazilian Army !!! I like to play on this server because it has the name of the US armed forces .. therefore expensive admin who banned me, have honor,
  3. Name: ! # ZORRO 2*BG Steam I.D:0:0:545076 Date & Time of ban:13/03/2016 Admin who banned you:I DO NOT KNOW Reason we should Unban:AM CORRECT
  4. Why have banned me from the server ??? I who was being FF victim by the player $park$,,, the administrator ban me without checking what was happening and wrongs !!!! BETTER BE MORE ACCURATE TO DELIVER A SERVER !!!!! For several moments, the base, the player took me a little of my life !! I bristled, and killed him too, and the big head administrator, takes my server .... I'm not a tomboy, but I keep my child's heart, with every great man should save !!!!
  5. Durante os jogos, hoje, esse player não fez nada de errado!. Parece até que foi alertado ou então viu aqui no forum o meu post! Vamos ver daqui pra frente!!!! translate ..... During the games today, this player did nothing wrong !. It seems like it was alerted and then saw here in my forum post! Let's see now on here !!!!
  6. sorry to hear that. sometimes it takes us a time or two to catch them. If it happens again please do get a video or screenshot if you feel we aren't responding to it. We wish to be fair to everyone so we cant just ban people without proof, but that being said we will keep an eye on the situation. _______________ OK!!! __ Thank you!! go record demo!
  7. The player =====V.V=====" [u:1:14330784] whenever I'm playing, this asshole is killing me and then immediately leaves the server! I ask that when we are on the server, some admin keep your spec and you'll see I'm telling the truth! If need, I will record a demo and up and report to link to you. Please do not omit !!! Let's be honest !!!!! Jungle !!!!! Infantry !!!
  8. What server admins have against the maps dod_harrington and dod_lennon .. They are excellent maps. All players are sure to enjoy playing these maps ... Here I make the suggestion !!!! Good luck everyone !!!!
  9. because I was banned? Abused administrator !! Loose ????because I was banned? Abused administrator !! Loose ????because I was banned? Abused administrator !! Loose ????because I was banned? Abused administrator !! Loose ????because I was banned? Abused administrator !! Loose ???? yesterday, June 28 ???? yesterday, June 28 ????
  10. E Agora? Sempre fui respeitoso! Acontece que não sei falar e entender a linguagem inglesa! Todos me conhecem e sabem como sou! Quando tem amigos brasileiros no servidor, às vezes, inadvertidamente, conversamos na nossa linguagem. MAS, AFIRMO NOVAMENTE, QUE NUNCA DESRESPEITEI NINGUÉM!!!! Sou um Reservista na Ativa do Exército Brasileiro e, sempre respeitei a administração do server, só que, em algumas vezes, não consigo me expressar na língua de vocês, porra!!!! Por outro lado, gosto de brincar. Assim, mantemos uma interação salutar e divertimento!!!! O banimento, foi abuso de poder, uma babaquice! translate:- And Now? I have always been respectful! It turns out that I can not speak and understand the English language! All know me and know as I am! When you have Brazilian friends on the server, sometimes inadvertently talk in our language. BUT, AFFIRM AGAIN, EVER disrespect ANYONE !!!! I am a Reservist on active duty in the Brazilian Army, and always respected the administration of the server, except that, sometimes, I can not express in the language of you, fuck !!!! On the other hand, like to play. Thus, we maintain a healthy interaction and fun !!!! The ban was abuse of power, a bullshit!
  11. thank you for understanding. Always been a player, so with an honest man. Unfortunately I can not speak well and listen to English. So I ask the noble patience server administrators. Good luck to all!!
  12. Name:! # ZORRO # 2*BG Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:545076 Date & Time of ban: DON´T REMEMBER Admin who banned you: DON´T REMEMBER Excuse for the Unban:I was banned without knowing why. I think it was for not knowing the English language fluently. I have always respected everyone. I'm not a child. I have good character, respect for all who are also honest. I ask kindly unban me because I have some friends who also play on your server and always interact together in games and also in friendship.
  13. ! # ZORRO # 2*BG 0:0:545076 i DON´T REMEMBER ! don't remember I was banned without knowing why. I think it was for not knowing the English language fluently. I have always respected everyone. I'm not a child. I have good character, respect for all who are also honest. I ask kindly unban me because I have some friends who also play on your server and always interact together in games and also in friendship.
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