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Fetterolf 6th RB

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  1. Just need to update Sourcemod with the latest 1.5 stable snapshot http://www.sourcemod.net/snapshots.php and everything will be working again.
  2. make sure you have your scripts folder inside the custom folder you made as that folder handles most of those issues as to where to put muzzle flash on customs
  3. No, it does not work (I had edited the first line of my post stating that it would not). Originally, I could not see any sprays at all after the update, despite enabling them in-game, this is what was done to re-enable them. I did not anticipate the problems with new sprays not working. I believe I have narrowed it down to DOD:S itself, as opposed to the .vtf file. VTF files have "versions". As Valve adds new features to their VTF format, they change the version. It seems that regardless of the VTF version, whether I make it lower or higher, has no effect. All sprays made after March 29th (Steampipe update) fail to display in-game. All sprays made before March 29th work fine. At this time, I have no idea what is causing old sprays to show up but not new ones. I will keep you all posted on any progress I make. If thats the case couldn't you use VTFEdit to make sprays if you haven't updated the library yet for it since the steampipe update and would still create the VMT and VTF files using the old system. I know its not currently going to work for everyone but it's worth giving a shot.
  4. You can also just type key_listboundkeys in console
  5. Is your .cfg file read only before you are using the in-game spray inport? If it is turn it off and save it then open game and try importing it again. My spray never stopped working after the update but I also have my custom folders still in their old directory outside of the custom folder as a backup so maybe you can try putting a copy of your materials folder in the main directory and inside your custom directory so you could also try that.
  6. Make sure you have your materials folder setup the correct way inside your custom folder so it would look like this dod/custom/nameofyourcustomfolder/materials. I have also run into people having issues if they have steam cloud enabled for DoD:S as its setting your config to before the steampipe update so I recommend turning off Steam Cloud for DoD:S then going into your game and setting your settings how you want them then making your config.cfg read only.
  7. I have some more information on this ban for you as our unit has also banned this guy today for wall hacking. I and a member of another unit looked deeper into the issue and found out that he has a static IP and we used that to track down a total of 7 steam account associated with this guy. Here is the record of all his SteamID's according to his IP address on our gameME IP Search. You can have whoever does your gameME do an IP search on yours to see if this IP ( resolves anymore steamID's that I don't currently have listed. I also had yet another steamID linked to me that was also associated with this guy that makes it a total of 7 that I know of. Here is the link to our sourcebans with all 7 of his accounts and their ID's but I am also going to just link the 7 accounts with ID's so you can also ban all his accounts from your servers. http://sixth.site.nfoservers.com/SourceBan...ler&Submit= Steam ID's sharing the same IP with The Hammer/The Diddler (click on them to be taken to the gameME page that can link you to their community profiles) STEAM_0:1:62170215 (This is his current second account he is using to hack and troll which you currently have banned) STEAM_0:1:61669906 (VAC ban attached to this account) STEAM_0:1:54731394 STEAM_0:0:52592914 STEAM_0:0:51364553 STEAM_0:0:51162568 STEAM_0:1:10186566 (His current main account)
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