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D. Pilon

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D. Pilon last won the day on March 20 2018

D. Pilon had the most liked content!

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  • Weapon of Choice
    Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR)

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  1. Nice job.
  2. Just so every one knows....he edited my name and put his name. Nice .
  3. Looking great... I have been using gimp for years now. It is really great. The plugins are amazing. Play with G'MIC..do some tutorials..you will really enjoy it.
  4. This is a problem with gametracker not being fully ssl ready(https).
  5. I love this map. There are a couple version of it. But they are fun to play.
  6. I'm in...if I am free,
  7. Remember...they state the minimum of AMD Radeon HD 7850, Don't expect great results with an HD6xxx...even less with HD4XXX.
  8. Try installing the required VC runtime. Take a look in your dow folder. c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Days of War\_CommonRedist\vcredist\2015 I would install the x86 version first...then the x64.
  9. I am glad I left before that screenshot. My round did not go as well.
  10. Happy B-day.
  11. Happy B-day.
  12. What is your setting for mp_decals ? default should be 200
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