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    Mauser Karbiner 98k

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  1. Name: Futura Steam I.D: [U:1:27416357] Reasons for the Ban: wall toggles or pretending not to wall in certain instances Recommended duration of ban: premaban Extra info: I am usually not suspicious but the prefire on Palermo made me spec him. Took 3 demos of him on Argentan and looking through the kitchen walls made me think 90/10 on my suspicion was correct. P.S. I took 3 do not know what happened to the 3rd one. did status info during demos. hope they were around 3-4 minutes per demo. crashed when I tried to view it after on the fut demo. Either way if its not enough please look out for this person. Good enough to look good but not good enough to fake shooting people he can't hear Demo Provided?: Yes. https://www.mediafire.com/file/p1d8qkviks8idii/futura.dem https://www.mediafire.com/file/4thakim10bxyahh/fut.dem
  2. All you really have to do is watch demo 6. but I don't know why he is not banned.
  3. Name: Ray (former MRB member?) Steam I.D: 1:20644865 Duration of Ban: discretion of admin Reasons for the Ban: walls Demo Provided?: yes Comments: 6th is the most obvious. I don't know why I am doubted. http://www.mediafire.com/download/sq94b5zd10awdub/ray.dem http://www.mediafire.com/download/v92mckiffx505ah/ray2.dem http://www.mediafire.com/download/nrr491tz9dtrzc7/ray3.dem http://www.mediafire.com/download/u5h62da81s3qjec/ray4.dem http://www.mediafire.com/download/tm79217y97pdjpb/ray5.dem http://www.mediafire.com/download/swncvxtphd3gl9u/ray6.dem
  4. Happy Birthday Beutingful!!!
  5. Name: =(eG)= Mookie Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:10292592 Date & Time of ban: I forgot Admin who banned you: I don't know Reason we should Unban: I was only banned for having the 1st SAS buddy icon (picture), in which when they attempted to remake the unit I never scrimmed with them once and they don't exist now again.
  6. Name: Fusion Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:15699174 Duration of Ban: Perma Reasons for the Ban: Walls Demo Provided?: Yes Comments: I heard he has had complaints before, but if this ain't enough idk what is Demo Links: https://www.mediafire.com/?m285yaqpg6hpic8 https://www.mediafire.com/?q6qajm0ilrj7672
  7. LOL love the Britton. He is my friend (FUR) and my nerd since SAC. I name this nerd MAH-NERD for this month.
  8. I am Gefr.Sässe [9te PD] from the 9te PD. We were looking for someone to script a plug-in for realism mod with custom features. If anyone is willing to help us out money can also be offered as gratitude. Please add either Gefr.Sässe [9te PD] or Stgf.UA.Jason [9te PD] on steam friends. It would be much appreciated! Thanks, Mookie/Sässe
  9. Will do, always have. Much appreciated
  10. Name: Current: =(eG)= Mookie Former: S/Tpr. M. Hicks [1st SAS] Steam I.D: 0:1:10292592 Date & Time of ban: Kind of forgot it was that long ago Admin who banned you: I don't think it ever said who banned me Excuse for the Unban: You banned me for being in the 1st SAS unit, which currently no longer exists. I was always a welcomed player there even with the tags for a long time, but something happened and then they said there was a unit dispute so I could not even dispute the ban because I was in the unit. But now that it no longer exists I would greatly appreciate to be able to play in there again because it was always fun playing with you guys.
  11. I would just like to report the sequence of events that happened. I have been a regular player here for a couple years now and I got banned for wearing my tags. Today I got banned and I checked on sourcebans as well and it said I got banned permanently. I somehow either got unbanned because of community support or there was a timelimit for the ban that was under 5 hours. When I got banned the second time it was not for wearing my tags because I had the name of Mookie instead of using the name S/Tpr. M. Hicks [1st SAS]. I would very much like to know why I got banned the 2nd time since I have much fun playing with you guys and why I was banned even if I took my tags off? I am not other people, I am not a trouble maker. If there was a problem with my unit I have played dod:s abour 8-10 times for under 2 hours in the last 3 months. Especially sourcebans because to me that means I was cheating which I clearly wasn't going 4-i think 14. I have made no enemies here so I would just like to know after being banned and changing my name why I was re-banned. Thanks, Mookie / Hicks
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