I'm still kind of curious how what I was doing was mic spam. I'm just confused how I can play on your server for almost six months and today is the day you decide you have a problem with the way I talk to you guys. I like your server, I have fun on it. Generally speaking, you guys laugh and joke with me with no issue. You asked me to join the battalion not that long ago.
I didn't insult anyone, I didn't attack anyone, I wasn't even team killing. I can honestly tell you that I did not hear any actual warnings from anyone about mic spam, at least not to me specifically. And even if I did, I wasn't aware that talking over the microphone instead of typing was considered mic spam. I would have checked the rules in the MOTD, but it was not working at the time, and neither did the info command.
All I ask is that you give me another chance, if not only because you haven't had issues with me in the past.