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Everything posted by Th3Doubl3D

  1. I don't want to categorize all of the =ego= guys either, I know they have a TON of servers so I apologize for that generalization. I was frustrated when I posted that. The guy with the skg tag was cool the first night and he's a good player, but last night after the night crowd came in, notably =ego= dev or something like that, they started acting like they owned the place and disrespected officer on admin duty, which I believe was Avila. There were several people playing POORLY that came in around the same time. People TWing/TKing, people just standing in fire and dying and others just standing and watching. This all happened between the time after Balian, and two other [1stMRB] guys went spec, around Jagd/Kalt/Colmar in the map cycle, Avila remarked at one point about the time being around 1:40 PST, that was when it was the worst. I left shortly after that. I understand that it's the internet, and late at night is when the goofy crowd shows up, I just play specifically on the server, FOR THE CONDUCT. You guys talk shit, but you do it with CLASS. You possess BATTLEFIELD AWARENESS. You play the game the RIGHT WAY. I respect you all for that.
  2. So I've been playing on the server for a little while now, and the reason I keep coming back is because you guys have CLASS. Shit-talking, game play, teamwork, it's all done in a very classy way, and I appreciate that. As of a couple days ago, there's been some overflow coming into the server late at night from the -=ego=- server. These guys CAN play, they are skilled, but they have NO CLASS. Upon entry to the server, they IMMEDIATELY started team-wounding, and team-killing, and getting revenge on each other for tks/tws. They talk MAD shit, and get upset when someone talks back. MOST OF ALL they disrespected Avila all night. Now, Avila was a *little* drunk, so he just kinda rolled with it, but these EGO guys kept telling him to be quiet when he was talking about rules, and wanting everyone to have fun, and such. These EGO guys are a problem. They have no class, they disrespect admins, and they make the experience at the 1stMRB server less enjoyable when they are around. OOH RAH KILL.
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