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Theik BAR

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Everything posted by Theik BAR

  1. Theik BAR

    Happy Holidays

    Thanks man, I am having a good one I hope you have a good one as well
  2. Name: Canadian Cannabis Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:24117522 Reasons for the Ban: tked a couple people after round restart on jagd then fled. Recommended duration of ban: Demo Provided?: No http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/11105
  3. Name: Reyalswej FlodA Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:418373531 Reasons for the Ban: Joined, tked, fled. Also backwards inappropriate name? Recommended duration of ban: Demo Provided?: No http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/246055
  4. I use a razor deathadder, but i agree with the steel series recommendation. That diablo 3 mouse they made was the best iv ever used.
  5. Name: chris2233 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:305285 Reasons for the Ban: Wall hacks, maybe aimbots and using multiple accounts to circumvent bans Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: Na its too difficult for my lazy ass Ray and I are pretty confident that this is the player who's been banned twice now "goblin" (no idea wtf happened with the above link) http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/forums/topic/36703-ban-request-goblin/ Both chris2233 and last goblin account are from the same place, and the only players from that town. (coincidence?) Unfortunately the original goblin account doesn't show the location. http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/players/dods/?type=cityinfo&valuecity=stoke-on-trent Also chriss2233's account is one of those 14yr accounts with the barebones games, and only cs;go and dod;s having a few hours on them. Anyways I know its not definitive proof, but im pretty confident. Let me know what you guys think!
  6. 3:05
  7. very nice!
  8. Not bad
  9. launching off things with the motorcycle is the way to play
  10. couldnt find hud_saytext, and hud_saytext_time "5" was at 12 so no problem there. I decided to uninstall and delete every trace of dods which I was hesitant to do in case my old ass hud stopped working for what ever reason, but it worked and my game is running fine with my hud and cfg, Thank you for the help First Sergeant T. Brown. <3 <3 <3
  11. Name: I. Keith Rank: Cpl. Type of issue: DoD:S Brief Description of Issue: I haven't been able to read my own in game chat since around the time that last update happened (1-2 months ago?), it's not really game breaking but mildly annoying. Oddly the "nextmap" thing shows the next map, i guess because thats from the server, but "timeleft" does not show since its attached to my chat(hope that makes sense). Thanks guys! <3 ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: T. Brown Supporting Technician: J. Candy
  12. yesss finally, very nice paint job viktor
  13. moist, i knew all this waiting would pay off
  14. Name: sNPro Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:182049086 Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Recommended duration of ban: long time Demo Provided?: No because its impossible. I speced him for a while and it was pretty blatant, you can see here overall he has 54% head shots. http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_skill_graph/213303 guy has less than four hours in dod:s, and you can see the accuracy and hs% are stupid especially his k98 zoomed. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198324363900/stats/DOD:S
  15. Day of infamy is pretty much just a ww2 shooter with the insurgency engine, pretty much the same as darkest hour and in no way feels like dod. I think its (days of war?) that will be the closest to a dod feel, and i really hope that one works out for people who like to rifle.
  16. I like to multitask
  17. I agree, mediafire is #1
  18. I fully endorse Sir Ryu's claims.
  19. omg im finally in one of these ! nice shit barry
  20. idk if he has a crappy aim assist, but this guy definitely cheats https://www.mediafire.com/?xyn3l4kb14o4ss4
  21. Name: Gr33N G0bL1N Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:143399038 Reasons for the Ban: its hard to say since he probably sucks, but im pretty sure this guy walls. He traced people through walls a few times including some people who were proned in corners doing absolutely nothing, but idk if i got that on my demo. Also a brand new account with no friends http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198247063804 Recommended duration of ban: untill ragnarok happens Demo Provided?: http://www.mediafire.com/download/e4xx1o9g7yb95b6/goblin.dem http://www.mediafire.com/download/j88gop69kqv9akw/g2.dem. idk if these demos are really that great so you might want to check him out if you see him. later gators!
  22. Not even bad :>
  23. #2 is da best, Ignore the cheats
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