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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Ruggiero

  1. Its pathetic how many people are wishing death upon the officer, and yet when those same people need help he will still aid them because he is a policeman and that is his job.
  2. Braun should get a bigger suspension... he just confirmed his first test.
  3. Im looking forward to it as well. But until it comes out, if anyone wants to play coh hit me up.
  4. Who plays? I'm always looking for people to play with.
  5. Lmao, that is hilarious. Almost as funny as Ike Davis' batting average.... Being a Mets fan has sucked lately -___-
  6. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Lets not forget why we celebrate this holiday. God Bless America and the troops! Here's a video made about my Great Grandfather who was killed in WWII.
  7. Any server in DOD:S In addition to the song I mentioned above there was one time when It was a conversation between two men. One accusing the other of being a cop. It's really bizarre stuff.
  8. Name: Ruggiero Rank: Recruit Type of issue: Audio Brief Description of Issue: While in the middle of playing DOD:S Random songs I never heard of before play in my headphones, drowning out the in game volume. This music is not coming from any open tabs or other players in the game. It is rather annoying and sometimes can go on for 30 minutes. Any idea what the problem is? Thank you! ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status:Closed Main Technician:Small Supporting Technician:
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