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Everything posted by jwade3

  1. Simple. I saw the tag when his mic lit up to speak but I just didn't remember the player name. This whole post was made under the assumption I was perm-banned. I didn't see a duration in the console nor the ban message so I kind of assumed I was permanently banned. I "mocked" jokingly, just having fun. Although, it's nice to know I'm in your record books, Parker. I'm 26 years old by the way; I think I know what happens to players who go on continued streaks of misbehaving. But that's an example of that authoritative attitude I was talking about. Anyways, never mind my OP seeing as I thought I was perm-banned. See you all around.
  2. Name: Jamon Wade Steam I.D: 1:415262 Date & Time of ban: May 25, 2013 @ 3:45ish Admin who banned you: No idea, but he had a bad attitude. Excuse for the Unban: I play here a lot and I like to have fun. Banning admin told someone in an authoritative voice not to do something again or he was gone, so I made a comment on the mic jokingly that the guy was 'toast' if he did it again. No warning, no scolding, just straight ban. Let's keep things in perspective here; this is a video game. I play here a lot(and I change my name a lot). Getting banned by admins with bad attitudes is a major turn off. I really like this server so I actually went through the effort of signing up to post this. So here's to getting unbanned - and if not, then it was fun. PSA: Admin power abuse is bad
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