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T. Graves

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by T. Graves

  1. It sounds like your battery honestly, if it isn't getting enough power to turn the starter motor it would sound like how you are describing it. Either that or your starter motor is jammed and all you gotta do to fix that is get a wrench and bang on your starter a bit. The battery will almost always have enough power to run the lights, like if you leave your lights on the battery will dwindle down and the lights will still be on but your vehicle won't start.
  2. OMG I feel so sorry for Canada.... They did not deserve that blight.
  3. Wish I got a screenshot of my best palermo run. Went 17-0 with axis rocket in the first 2 minutes.Then my internet crapped out lol
  4. I agree with you Theik, it would be fantastic to have more maps added into the rotation. I believe a lot of the customs we play would make for good pub matches.
  5. http://youtu.be/7KcPNiworbo
  6. Name: RodrigueZ* Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:37651927 Reasons for the Ban: Subject believed to have been using a No Smoke hack or other third party program. Regardless it's a cheat if there is no smoke. Ducky MoMo was a witness but we didn't think it was considered cheating until I asked 1stLt. Hall about the whole situation. Recommended duration of ban: 1 Month? Or however long you see fit. Demo Provided?: Y/N N
  7. 1. Yes it does still work, I can hear sounds and everything. The power to the monitor stays on as well but no back light. I turn the monitor off and back on and it fixes the black screen. 2. Yes I do but it is disabled, currently running an NVidia 650 GTX Ti. 3. I would, but I don't have another monitor. 4. Yes, I had it running on a VGA and it's currently running on a brand new HDMI cable. I've been researching the hell out of it.... I went out and bought a new GPU as well because mine was like 6 years old and I needed to upgrade. It still black screens randomly, I checked all my voltages and they are perfectly fine. I checked how much power my PSU is using and it's only using 1/3 of it's max so it's getting plenty of power. The mobo isn't over heating and causing the GPU to not respond. The only thing that's really left is the monitor. I've checked every other variable.
  8. Hennessy, sprite, and a bit of lemon or lime juice.
  9. I witnessed some of this, shortly before my graphics card started to crap out. They were indeed being disrespectful to our members.
  10. Name:Trent Graves Rank:Pfc Type of issue: Hardware Brief Description of Issue:I believe my graphics card is going out, my screen keeps going black. All the cables are secured in place, drivers are installed properly, and my drivers are updated. It is an older graphics card had it probably 4 years but it is still a good card for it's age. Screen keeps flickering too... about to go to best buy and get a new card. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status:Resolved Main Technician:Cpl. J Kirk Supporting Technician:
  11. I'm gonna buy a PS4 and wait for it come out on next-gens.... the price and the power of that PlayStation is just fantastic. The new box is $100 more and less powerful but has kinect built in, which I don't really care for.
  12. Nice little rally car you got there Badger. 0-60 time?
  13. Omg that's just creepy, lemur shark ftw.
  14. Gullible***
  15. That's just not right, at all. I think it's shopped. I smell something fishy....
  16. I use a Razer Death Adder, 3500 dpi, 3.5g infrared sensor. Paid about 60 bucks for it I do believe, which is a bit pricey but less than some of the other good mice.
  17. Personally I have a GTX 560 Ti 2gb Super Over-Clocked, and it is bomb diggity. I prefer Nvidia/PnY over any other gfx card manufacturer. That's honestly all you really need to upgrade on your PC, your CPU, and RAM is all at a good level. To answer your other question Brown, since your PC is out of the box you cannot get another case and swap it over because your mother board will most likely not fasten to any other cases. You could however get a new mother board, CPU, gfx card, and take the majority of your parts out of your current PC and turn it into a franken build. Your old mother board, and cpu will be of no use, but everything else can most likely be implemented like power supply, hard drive, etc. I'd just slap a nice gfx card in that PC you already have.
  18. If they update DoD:S I will do a damn backflip in astonishment. Also I've been waiting on HL3 for ever... and a new L4D. L4D2 servers are pretty much dead.
  19. Amen to that Stevenson!
  20. The wars are crippling our economy, and sending in more forces isn't going to help it. The whole situation is just not good. We shouldn't even get involved in it. We basically want to go in and take over and dictate them. Like we did in Iraq.
  21. Honestly Barrack Obama is a good guy, but there's a point when you need to draw the line. Evidently we are about to be at war with Syria which we have absolutely no business being over there and getting involved with their civil war. I believe in our freedoms and liberties but our country is turning to fascism. We aren't fighting the terrorists, they are fighting us for their riches and that is what Obama's regime is out to get. History is repeating itself as it has throughout the centuries. It's getting a bit ridiculous that we are war hopping. When will it stop? 3 more years and then what?
  22. That happened to me earlier during my BCT, server changed to camp pendleton and my game crashed. It had never done that before, ever.
  23. This is going to be a short tutorial for a quick microphone if you don't currently have one. It requires 3 things. A PC, your phones USB cable, and an application called WO Mic which you can download off of the google play store. First you need to plug your android smartphone into your USB port on your PC, then go into the settings menu, and go to your developer options and turn USB debugging on. Now download WO Mic onto your smart phone from the google play store, and once you have done that look down about 1/3 of the way down the page for WO Mic's website. This next step is crucial for it to work properly, you need to download the WO Mic desktop client, wo mic driver config test mode, and wo mic driver config normal mode. Once the desktop client is finished, install wo mic driver config test mode and let it finish installing, once it is done it should prompt for a restart and your comp will restart in test mode but it's not really in test mode. At this point your phone should still be plugged in via USB cable, and USB debugging should still be on. Start WO mic on your phone, press your menu button and press start. Then start the WO Mic desktop client, and go to the top left corner and press connection. Select USB and then press connect. Then abrakadabrah, you have a smartphone microphone, to test and make sure it's working properly go to the options menu on the client interface and click play in speaker, talk into the microphone and if you hear your voice your microphone is fully operational. Hope this helps our fellow unit men who don't have a microphone but have an android device. I just decided I will put links up too instead of having you guys find it. WO Mic google play store link::: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?...S53by52b2ljZSJd WO Mic Website and Install Help::: http://www.wirelessorange.com/womic/install.html FAQ::: http://www.wirelessorange.com/womic/faq.html
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