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Bradley 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bradley 1st MRB

  1. Ewwww, who let Femme on forums?
  2. Give this a go Boone. 1. Exit steam. 2. Click Start > Run (Windows Key + R) or type cmd into the start menu to open up a command prompt. 3. Type the following command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\bin\SteamService.exe" /repair (If you have installed Steam to another path, please replace C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam with the correct path.) This command requires administrator privileges and may take a few minutes. 4. Launch Steam and test the issue again.
  3. Happy Birthday Rice, I mean Reis!
  4. Happy Birthday! *Barry Noise*
  5. Happy Birthday Lystad!
  6. Those french hacks are really something. Congrats!
  7. Happy Birthday Kirk!
  8. Have you had a chance to try your microphone on another PC Lystad? I'll get in touch with you and see if drivers might be the issue.
  9. Have you sorted out your build Melynk or do you still need some advice?
  10. Do you require further assistance with this Corrente?
  11. Any updates on this Gearhart?
  12. Nice stuff Barry. Wish I could record in that kinda of quality...
  13. Thompson has gone ahead and ordered a new PC. Ticket closed.
  14. Ticket Closed.
  15. Happy Birthday Lafy!
  16. I'll keep this ticket open untill we hear from Ultra.
  17. Happy Birthday Lieutenant!
  18. Happy Birthday Sanborne!
  19. Name: Sewer Rat Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:142676871 Reasons for the Ban: Hacking - No recoil Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Yes (Apologies for lack of audio) LINK **EDIT** - Link to the video download, better quality compared to youtube.
  20. Issue resolved, ticket closed.
  21. Britton is going download a new config. Ticket Closed.
  22. Are you still experiencing this issue Stephenson?
  23. Give this a go Ewing. 1. Exit steam. 2. Click Start > Run (Windows Key + R) or type cmd into the start menu to open up a command prompt. 3. Type the following command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\bin\SteamService.exe" /repair (If you have installed Steam to another path, please replace C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam with the correct path.) This command requires administrator privileges and may take a few minutes. 4. Launch Steam and test the issue again.
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