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Bradley 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bradley 1st MRB

  1. Is your issue still persisting Click? Have you tried the fixes mentioned?
  2. Do you guys have the sound file in your dods folder? Location is listed below. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Day of Defeat Source\dod\download\sound\bandage
  3. Just how high were you when you posted this Marsden?
  4. Ticket closed due to inactivity, if anyone hears from Wilson the topic can be re-opened.
  5. Happy Birthday Major!
  6. No worries haha. Topic Closed.
  7. At the top of any topic you're viewing you will see a "Options" button. Click that to drop down the menu. You'll see a sub-menu named "Display Modes". If you select "Switch to: Standard" you'll be able to see every post without having to click on each one.
  8. Maj. M. Johnson [1st MRB]: i hate you Maj. M. Johnson [1st MRB]: you were destroying my team
  9. Happy Birthday Scinta!
  10. Have you got the latest video card drivers installed? If you already have, rollback to a previous driver and give that a go. If you're really desperate to get this issue fixed, switch back to the previous software for your Mac and see if that resolves it. Free feel to contact any of the technicians if you need any help.
  11. Issue resolved, topic closed.
  12. Happy Birthday Yama!
  13. This issue was due to server lag. Topic closed.
  14. Closed due to inactivity.
  15. Brenton? Who the fuck is Brenton? Happy Birthday Taze!
  16. Looks like it's time to unlearn quickswitching.
  17. Happy Birthday Britton! Don't get too wasted
  18. Anyone who pronounces it with a soft g should be lined up against a wall and shot.
  19. Ah cool find Lystad. Can't stand people who camp that building on flash though!
  20. Name: kinch Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:4781939 Reasons for the Ban: TK'd two guys in spawn and fled the server. Recommended duration of ban: 1 day Demo Provided?: N
  21. Happy Birthday Vicari!
  22. Congrats Gougeon! Here's to another year of mispronouncing your name!
  23. The dick gun never gets old.
  24. Have a good one Click!
  25. Welcome back Stork!
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