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Bradley 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bradley 1st MRB

  1. He has an excellent point. Aside of that, what exactly did Britton do to deserve so much votes? I think I totally missed it when it happened. Too many incidences to mention, suffice to say he's a real thoroughbred
  2. Shady nades is definitely the word haha, thanks for posting Rodo. Some useful nades there, especially the ones that land on caps.
  3. Nice shooting Barry, I liked my comment on the finer points of this game.
  4. Happy Birthday Captain!
  5. Now I know my vote was well placed
  6. Ripley has gotten the blue screen error code, it is the following: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Ripley has installed the latest video card drivers and has all the latest windows updates installed. The following two events were in his event logs at the time of a bluescreen. I am still researching the issue.
  7. Socks first is the most logical choice.
  8. Happy Birthday Teachey!
  9. It was a tough call between Britton or Quarterman, but there can only be one winner!
  10. You look like Kurt Cobain's secret love child
  11. North Americans change their clocks on the second Sunday of March, Europeans on the last Sunday of March. Because changing them on the same day would just be too easy!
  12. Happy Birthday Captain!
  13. How did I miss this? Belated Happy Birthday Kang!
  14. Who's Gearhart? Belated Happy Birthday!
  15. Awesome map for Garrand, good stuff Barry.
  16. Link your Source for this please Sure thing
  17. Day of Defeat: Source 2 confirmed.
  18. Bah! Wish my PC was powerful enough to record at that quality, looks damn good! Damn nice shooting as well.
  19. I have spoke to Ripley, he is trying out the suggestions me and McDowell have made.
  20. I think it's because you've include the port number with the ip. Try typing just instead.
  21. Wallhacks confirmed! Sweet compilation Gearhart, I really liked the choice of music.
  22. Happy Birthday Bomber!
  23. Sweet vid Barry, dem no scopes!
  24. Ah that's good news Gougeon. Topic Closed.
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