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Costa 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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About Costa 1st MRB

  • Birthday 02/29/1992

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    Canada, USA

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  1. Here is a video showing off the T29 on one of the new desert maps. I believe both of the new maps have been added in, and so far there might not be a soft wipe for the American tanks.
  2. Do we even have 14 people who play? And we'd need everyone to have maxed out tanks and whatnot while avoiding going over the maximum tier. Also if we do this we need to be the biggest faggots about it. Everyone grab a fucking hummel and lets do this. EDIT: Oh never mind, all the slots are filled.
  3. If you buy this game you have to try out the total conversion mod for it. This awesome mod right here. It adds in the KoToR Era, re-adds all the maps from the first battlefront game and tweaks graphics and effects to make them more pretty. And a patch to make things even better.
  4. Rockstar is releasing a new DLC sometime in the future called the Nightmare pack that is going to unleash undead horrors upon wild west. And to think Red Dead Redemption couldn't get any more badass. Source Link.
  5. A Canadian Safety Group has put a 3d illusion of a girl getting a ball on the street. Critics say this will lead to accidents and make it so people will brake less often at that particular street for children. And Does anyone see this as good idea? I can't see that making that place being too safe for children if people are use to running over a fake one just about everyday. And Here's some guy that does drawings like this one all over and look fucking awesome.
  6. I have no idea how to explain this game other than awesome.
  7. I'm going to second the hell out of Reason 4. God damn that program is great for making music. Plus the libraries it comes with allows you to create music from just about every genre.
  8. What? There's a reason G4 shouldn't cover games anymore.
  9. Not to derail this thread for too much longer but that article proves nothing. Seeing as how she didn't cite anything, this whole thing could have been her twisting small facts into a blown out story. Hell the site itself says they are not responsible for any made up shit that is posted. So this is not a reputable source. And for Aaron Russo's article, that doesn't make him look any more credible when he is well known for producing films and TV shows.
  10. Please, give us reputable links to back your claims. And no, conspiracy theory videos do not count.
  11. What? From what you're saying is that our money is worthless and we just barter? What town do you live in? Also no monetary system is failing anywhere nearly the way you people keep saying it is. If it was we'd be trading wheat for chickens and horseshoes for handjobs.
  12. That's actually a pretty awesome looking burger joint. Also I think I saw filterless cigarettes on the wall, wonder if they sell them.
  13. It's also a matter of them getting the gear they trained with in the military. Plus the explosives would have to be military grade in order to destroy these things without having a good chance of leaving prints and be small enough to easily place anywhere. It looks good on paper but chances are things would turn to shit fairly fast.
  14. Well that's the beauty of this Mortal Kombat game. The series has already hit rock bottom, it's got no where to go but up. Plus if I can recall the only half decent Mortal Kombat game to come out "recently" was Armageddon, but that was a really watered down fighting game. But I'm just hoping this game will be awesome but my expectations for this game are really low. Of course I get a stiffy for fighting games so I'm a bit more excited for this than should be. Of course the second you see a T rating on this game assume it's shit, it worked with MK Vs. Marvel and one of the other horrible ones that came out. It's also the only series that Jack Thompson still has hissy fits over anymore.
  15. Your not removing the problems money brings, your just skipping money and making things have a skewed value. I mean some people would find a TV to be worth more or less than a game system. And only way to fix that would to be assigning everything with a value, so instead of removing money you just made items into currency. And you're ether Scrooge or a stone cold retard if you think you work for only money. Money brings the ability to trade it for items of equal value, you don't work so your wallet gets fat, you work to buy shit with money. Without money we'd be back to trading items of value for other items of value. We'd be bartering like a couple of ass backwards farmers. And there would be no investments at all in this system, you'd be working for shit your whole life. While in reality you can rent out homes and invest in companies to make money for you. This little degree of freedom is what makes people rich. Smart spending is the exact opposite of what would happen in this system. Let me guess, investing is wrong because it requires little physical work? Or is it because most people that want your kind of system tend to be the people that would rather work and get the same stuff as a rich person with as little thought as possible? The way this would go is that it would promote people to be lazy for a good pay off. Anyone can just zone out and flip burgers, but it takes some self control and careful planning to invest wisely and reap rewards from the pay off. And no, most people will not become doctors because they really really want to. Most people will want to do as little effort as possible in a comfortable and easy to do job and just get the rewards that brings. There's no motivation to become something better if everyone is paid the same. There's still no sense of accomplishment or reward of getting higher in the business ladder. But you're not given it freely, you are working for it. Just like money. All this does is cut out the middle man and cut to the shit. It just saves people a trip to the store.
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