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Costa 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Costa 1st MRB

  1. So far this game is fun as hell. Nothing like taking out a tank that's double your weight with a tiny ass Soviet tractor. Also individual parts of your tank can be destroyed in battle but your tank engineer can usually get them to just barely work within a few minutes. Also my ingame name is Sovietboat so add me if you get in.
  2. World of Tanks is a MMO based around WW2 tank combat where you can buy and upgrade a whole fuck-ton of tanks and go battle with them. World of Tanks main website. CLICK HERE to get the Beta key and don't worry when it says purchase, its free. Just put in fake information except your email address. Thats it folks. For anyone that makes it in and wants some decent money and experience just scout like a motherfucker. Scouting will help you better know the enemy tanks and their strengths/weaknessess and it will net enough cash for some better tanks down the road. Really if you enjoy WW2 battles and games just take a peek-see at the videos and screenshots. So far they have around 60 tanks from both Germany and the Soviet Union and they've been dabbling in American tanks. At release they plan on adding in a whole ton of tanks from Japan, France and Britain. The tank types also span over several types such as tank destroyers, tractors, and artillery just to name a few.
  3. They where suppose to turn this book into a movie, I don't know what happened to it though. It's a shame too because of the stories in World War Z and the Zombie Survival Guide are pretty damn good.
  4. Well it can't take into account sales or retail purchases but it's still a good ballpark estimate.
  5. http://www.steamcalculator.com/ Pop in your steam ID and watch your wallet weep.
  6. If they patch the armor I would probably play it.
  7. The autoexec.cfg makes it so console commands run when the game is run, so every time you start the game you don't have to put them in manually. You can do this in any Valve game that I know of if you put a autoexec.cfg in the cfg folder of the game and yo9u can put in any console commands or scripts that you want.
  8. Hey I don't suck! I just happen to be a very bad team player.
  9. Found a few console commands that can be really god damn helpful. asw_fast_reload_under_marine 1 This makes it so the fast reload bar pops up underneath your health when you reload so you don't have to look at the bottom left for it. asw_camera_shake 0 This removes the camera shake when struck, this can also help fix weird bugs when you get melee'd and your character turns around (sometimes). Now these are kinda wonky so don't expect to get too far or for it to be smooth but if you want to fuck around do this. You might have to run these with sv_cheats turned on. FPS Alien Swarm firstperson This actually switches you to FPS (derp). asw_hide_marine 1 This removes the marine so you can actually see, if you leave it on all you'll see is your dude's fat head. asw_controls 0 This makes the controls a bit more FPS like. asw_ignore_need_two_player_requirement This allows you to play any map by yourself with no bots. Hard as fuck but still pretty fun. EDIT: This doesn't require you to turn cheats on, you can actually use this to gain experience by yourself if you don't want to risk getting stuck with god awful pubbies. asw_horde_override 1 This toggles on a LFD style AI director that will send hordes of swarms. Also pretty god damn hard.
  10. Alien Swarm is a free game released by Valve. No really it's free go download the damn thing. Also a bit of warning, this game doesn't like every computer and every setup especially with Gforce 260 cards that tend to result in locking up computers. But Alien Swarm is based off of an old UT2k4 mod and is pretty much the same basic concept, but runs on a early version of Portal2's Engine. You're dropped off and you need to finish all objectives then proceed to the exit. After each (official) mission/map you're rewarded with experience based on your performance which levels you up and unlocks more gear and guns. There are 4 different classes in Alien Swarm with two variations on each one in the form of characters. Each character has his or her own unique stats that vary from person to person. Certain classes can only use certain weapons/gear, theres only a handful of gear/weapons that's locked to classes so there's no real worry. There's also the tile-based map creator and mission based random map generator. To use these go into console and type (without quotes) "sv_cheats 1" Then "asw_tilegen". The first tab is the tile-based mapmaker so you won't have to bother with learning hammer. The second tab allows you to create randomly generated maps based on specific variables you add in (with a spiffy music adder for intense battles). Also keep an eye out on mods for this game, it was released with just about everything needed to make a modder cream himself.
  11. You guys seem to be missing Oregon Trail.
  12. Well the mental degradation would be different if your job involves a lot of math or mental activity. It's why stoners that are students who don't care, tend to take on the stereotypical "whaaaat dood" then people that are working in jobs that require a lot of counting. That also leads to claims of pot making people super dumb because most of the kids that take on the stereotype would rather toke up then get serious work done.
  13. I kinda hate to pull this, but you can't exactly say marijuana caused cancer in this case if tobacco (which is proven to cause cancer) was also used.
  14. If there is ever one thing that will continue to amaze me is how stoners can go from calm to up in arms if one person ever argues anything about marijuana being anything other then healthy. Not that anyone in here has done that exactly but damn to people get up in arms about that shit. Also about the forefathers having smoked weed, they smoked stuff back then for the taste not so much for the effect. You could find them smoking tobacco, weed, lavender, and just about anything else that could taste or smell good. And for the non-addictive side you can get addicted to anything regardless of chemicals, if you can associate feeling happy as the result of something you can get hooked on it (IE gambling addicts). Now I'm just fucking around for the sake of debate, I have no problem with weed. I just hate when people try to fucking rationalize it as something you should do at every meal or when you're bored. I mean I can't go around trying to tell everyone that jerking off 11 times a day is an ok thing to do if you don't loose a lung or shoot someone because they're keeping you from your porn. Smoke the shit, enjoy the shit, don't talk about it. Maybe jerk off a few times in between.
  15. For some reason I would rather listen to Vuvuzelas then this guy. e: Also, looking at this guys other uploads looks like he sucks just as much with Apple made shit as with anything else.
  16. That video is older than the internet.
  17. Xbox:Sovietboat PSN:Badasse
  18. Recently Ohio's senate has passed a bill that makes any kind of human-animal hybrids illegal. If your caught breaking this law you can get up to a year in prison and anywhere between a $250,000 and $500,000 fine. I think Senator Buehrer treated Splice as a documentary and hit the panic button.
  19. Happy Birthday jasko! SUGHAR!
  20. Oh god Jasko, don't sneeze on his RAM. That's just rude.
  21. Costa 1st MRB


    Fuck I use to play on some server with Goodman. Something about a level 60 Dorf hunter or some shit. I can't say I enjoyed that game too much.
  22. The guys over at the SomethingAwful Forums have gotten as far as calling some number Valve has looped in the recordings. So far looks like they're just fucking with us sense one of the morse code contains morse code that says LOL.
  23. Actually the patch that went out with the new DLC made it so anyone can host and fixed the matchmaking. GoodMan and I still play it quite a bit, plus with the new level cap and ultra fucking hard endgame boss in the DLC makes this game fun. Also as far as DLC goes, get Island of Dr. Zed for a quite little thing for easy early level gear. The Secret Armory of General Knoxxx is pure fucking fun. And Moxxi's Underdome Riot is only fun if you have 3 other friends who are a decent level and only do it if you are really bored as the only thing to gain out of it is looking at Moxxi's tits and bragging rights of having spent days playing it. Only reason I say get Moxxi with friends is because the arenas are godfuckingdamned long. The starting arenas start with 5 rounds and each round is 5 waves and after the qualifying round you go on to the next where you do the same 3 areas with a 15 round requirement and after that you do 20 rounds on the same maps. Now this wouldn't be so bad if it had some more arenas (only 3 different places to fight in) and the fact that you get no experience and you would be lucky as all hell to find any good loot from the end round drops.
  24. I'm so fucking retarded I didn't realize it was my birthday until I read the forums. And thanks for the cake Kirk, but the guy looks really disappointed to see me.
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