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Samuels 1st MRB

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Samuels 1st MRB last won the day on March 22

Samuels 1st MRB had the most liked content!

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About Samuels 1st MRB

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    new york

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  • Weapon of Choice
    Springfield Sniper Rifle

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Forum Zealot

Forum Zealot (54/91)




Community Answers

  1. This is under deliberation by our MP staff. We will notify you of a decision when one is made.
  2. Welcome back Pfc. Henrik Nielsen. Please check into 1st Platoon and remember to change your Steam avatar.
  3. Hi Thompson, good to hear from you, and hope you've been well. I'll merge this account with your other account (keeping this accounts email on your existing account). You likely will need to reset your password
  4. Took me a few days to get there but was worth waiting for the read. Great job as always!
  5. Request Denied. --------- English Thank you for reaching out yet again, but let me be clear: your request to regain voice and messaging privileges on the server is denied. Your past behavior caused serious issues, and we’re not going to ignore that just because you’re asking nicely now. The rules are in place for a reason, and you blatantly disregarded them. Frankly, it’s not fair to the rest of the community for us to just let you back in like nothing happened. We don’t tolerate this kind of behavior, and we’re not here to clean up after people who can’t respect others or the rules. You had your chances, and you blew them. This decision is final. -------------------- Portuguese Obrigado por entrar em contato, mas vamos ser claros: seu pedido para recuperar os privilégios de voz e envio de mensagens no servidor está negado. Seu comportamento anterior causou sérios problemas, e não vamos ignorar isso só porque agora você está pedindo educadamente. As regras existem por um motivo, e você as desrespeitou descaradamente. Francamente, não seria justo com o restante da comunidade simplesmente deixar você voltar como se nada tivesse acontecido. Nós não toleramos esse tipo de merda, e não estamos aqui para lidar com quem não consegue respeitar os outros ou as regras. Você teve suas chances e as desperdiçou. Essa decisão é final.
  6. THE 1ST MRB 2024 HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY DOMINATION CONTEST RULES The Rules for the Domination Contest are as follows: - The contest is open to 1st MRB, Retired MRB, BAR and BAR Apps - All screenshots must be from the period the contest starts until it ends. (Dec 6th at 12AM EST to Jan 4th at 11:59 PM EST) - A maximum of three dominations per unit member will be counted. (You can dominate them more, but you will only receive points three times!) - You must post a full screenshot of the domination in this thread to be counted. (Examples of screenshots can be found on the previous Contest HERE) -The contest will start on December 6th at 12:00 AM EST - The contest will end on January 4th at 11:59PM EST - Anyone caught trying to cheat/falsify dominations will be disqualified IMMEDIATELY. - Retirees and BAR/BAR Apps must wear tags for Identification - Do not join spectators at the end of a round. The Point Values for each rank per domination are as follows: Recruits and BAR Apps - 1 Point Private = 2 Points Private First Class & BAR Members = 3 Points Corporals = 4 points Sergeants = 5 points Staff Sergeant & Retired MRB = 6 points Technical Sergeant = 7 points Gunny Sergeant = 8 points Master Sergeant = 9 points First Sergeant = 10 points Sergeant Major = 11 points Warrant Officer = 12 points Chief Warrant Officer = 13 points 2nd Lieutenant = 14 points 1st Lieutenant = 15 points PRIZES: 1st Place $50 Steam Game of Choice 2nd Place $30 Steam Game of Choice 3rd Place: $20 Steam Game of Choice LEADERBOARD LIST Tactical Sharts BAR - 141 pts Dilley & Cannon - 85 pts ----------------- Fielding - 79 pts DapperxDuck - 73 pts Gearhart - 44 pts ** (Duplicates Posted) Yoder - 40 pts Swift - 32 pts Azios - 15 pts R. Smith - 15 pts Keebler - 9 pts Holquist- 9 pts J. Arsenault - 7 pts GooseGaggler- 7 pts Muthas - 3 pts (updated 1/5/24 @ 12:49 PM EST)
  7. Name: xxx Steam I.D: 76561198409461226 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Video Provided?: No, pubbers provided screencaps; which prompting review of logs, subject player across 1 match connection achieved 56.0 k/d on 1 map w/o utilizing artillery/tanks resulting a 56 kill streak in < 20 minutes
      • 1
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  8. USA (78) England (35) Norway (32) Sweden (45) Germany (47)
  9. This post has been moved to the correct section of the forums. Please fill out the correct form found at this link and provide the info required so we can look into your request further.
  10. Always a great read! Thanks for your hard work!
  11. I'm not the most tech-savvy when it comes to specific coding issues but a quick google search returned this on the dods steam discussions, might help. https://steamcommunity.com/app/300/discussions/0/1753528119306851221/ Or you can check Windows Event Viewer for the times that you are experiencing the crashes and post what specific errors/log is returning on your computer which could help diagnose if it is a client side error vs a server side error as this is not happening en masse to other players. https://www.howtogeek.com/123646/htg-explains-what-the-windows-event-viewer-is-and-how-you-can-use-it/
  12. Love the read as always. Great job everyone!
  13. Fielding, Thank you for your heartfelt apology and for being honest about the challenges you faced during that difficult time. We understand that you went through a lot of pain and made choices that you now deeply regret. It takes courage to admit mistakes and work on self-improvement. We're glad to hear that you have taken the initiative to seek help. It's important to prioritize your well-being and address the underlying issues that led to those actions. While the consequences of your actions resulted in your discharge, we believe in the power of personal growth and above-all, second chances. It's evident that you miss the community and the friendships you formed with all of us, and I don't doubt many of us have missed you as well. Rebuilding trust takes time, but if you continue on this path of self-improvement and demonstrate the changes you've made, it's possible to find a way back into the community. I encourage you to reach out, and join us on Discord and the Servers to begin the path. Actions speak louder than words. Continue to show the commitment that you have always put forward to being a positive and contributing member of the community once again. Your Request is Approved, the bans to your account will be lifted, and the Dishonorable Discharge will be converted to a General Discharge in order to comply with existing Unit Policies for Unban Requests. I wish you the best on your path, and I hope to see you back in Discord with us soon. Signed, 1stLt. J. Samuels Company Commanding Officer
  14. Player banned for 1 week due to teamkilling
  15. After checking the logs, it appears that this interaction occurred, and then resumed for some reason some time later in the night. With only logs, there is little to go off to understand why after seemingly the incident passed, that it would continue. Nevertheless a 1/2 day ban has been put in place expiring tomorrow.
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