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Everything posted by Samuels 1st MRB
Name: goyim Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:709597458 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: N Comments: Blatant aimbot. Score increased to 23-1 (97% headshots in less than 2 minutes)
So after reading AB2223 which was referenced, and looking back into infantcide (a/k/a post-birth abortions), this is already federally banned within all states via the Partial Abortion Ban of 2003, and was upheld by the then SCOTUS. The California proposed bill also does little more than remove reporting obligations for coroners on 2nd trimester abortions where performed by a medical professional. My reading would be it’s still reported by a corner and the steps that are previously in place stand if done illegally. That bill also assigns liability to government actors who try and infringe upon the right of someone to seek a legal abortion under the state. I believe infantcide is generally illegal in most countries in the world, and in the US, despite criminal law being regulated at the state level, there is a difficult argument to be asserted that once born, outside the womb, that person/infant/baby/fetus is alive (absent of course exceptions and medical conditions, I.e stillbirth/born, etc), and any such would be treated the same as a person.
Name: Draf Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:630022328 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Racism Demo Provided?: N Comments: Racism and all hate speech is not tolerated within our server.
Roe. Vs Wade. Overturned, out of tune of the people?
Samuels 1st MRB replied to Scinta's topic in Politics?
Sadly America has become increasingly tribalized since 2008 when Obama was first elected or 2012 after his reelection. Trump's brand of, well whatever you call it, awakened a part of this country that had been shoved off to either end of the political spectrum, and with cancel culture and everything else going on, if you don't agree with one side or the other, you're branded a racist, sexist, transphobe, etc depending on the topic at issue. -
Roe. Vs Wade. Overturned, out of tune of the people?
Samuels 1st MRB replied to Scinta's topic in Politics?
I think where people tend to get turned off on the entire issues is using it solely as a form of "birth control" or "contraceptive." And while I still stand by my own belief that its a person's choice what they do with their body, I think that what Roe had provided for was at least a template and middle ground to try and satisfy both sides. Roe/Casey at least allowed there to be some point where those who wish to protect a fetus have their way, while allowing women still to have a predominant say in their bodily autonomy. Had the Court revised the viability test from Roe/Casey rather than chucked it out the window in the name of morality, I think it would be a slightly different conversation that everyone is having (albeit that people would be unhappy regardless). -
Roe. Vs Wade. Overturned, out of tune of the people?
Samuels 1st MRB replied to Scinta's topic in Politics?
I think this all boils back down to what is meant to be a separation of church and state within America. yes, the founders were religious people but they intended for the government they founded to be guided by governing without forcing their personal beliefs on others. Hence the freedoms contained within the First Amendment and later implied via substantive due process with the 5th and 14th (federal and state). The problem now is not that people have differing opinions on issues, it’s that discussion and debate has become so polarized and politicized that no one can have a discussion with opposing viewpoints without wanting to slug the person they disagree with. We all have different opinions on this topic and many others. However, none of us are women. It is fundamental that we are not the ones who are predominantly or directly affected by this change. Moreover, who are we to say what should be done to a woman’s body. This is exactly what anti-vaxers were screaming about last year, but now are quiet because it’s not effecting them, it’s only directed at women. At the end of the day, this is one of the topics where an opinion and beliefs can be had, but they should not be forced upon others. -
Roe. Vs Wade. Overturned, out of tune of the people?
Samuels 1st MRB replied to Scinta's topic in Politics?
Let’s chat on discord later because I have a whole bunch of thoughts about this that I don’t have time to put into words (at this very second). Before getting into it too much, I am 100% pro-choice and think this is a disastrous and downright shameful ruling, even when it was leaked a few weeks/months back. What concerns me now is Justice Thomas’s concurring opinion using this as a basis to revisit SCOTUS’s important individual privacy rights under substantive due process from Obergfell (gay marriage), Lawrence (privacy within home), and Griswold (contraceptives) might fuck over what feels like 80%+ of Americans. From a scholarly position purely (given my profession), as much as I disagree on a fundamental basis with the holding I am astounded how Justice Alito wrote the opinion when Chief Justice Robert’s opinion did the same thing but without inflaming half the country. I agree that this is a dangerous precedent that was set and now things may be set in motion going forward that will forever ensure deadlock on a variety of issues given that the US government has become so partisan into a branch that’s sole purpose was to remain unaffected by petty politics and focus on the words and meaning of the laws only. I hope that this poor decision gets overturned soon or that Congress gets it’s head out of its ass and codify Roe/Casey into law to get around this. -
Hi Bischhock, I added you on steam, feel free to reach out to me whenever either on Steam or Discord. Lets get back into the groove!
Hello T3| DASAIN, I have reviewed the logs from the session where you were banned, which was for excessive Teamkilling (-9 score). The present ban is instituted for 1 week and given your explanation I will reduce the length of the ban, but it will still be in effect for a few days. Please keep in mind that the next time the duration of the ban will not be amended. Once the present ban expires you are more than welcome to rejoin the server. Capt. J. Samuels
I'm pocketing nades for minutes Somehow....
Samuels 1st MRB replied to Faraj's question in Day of Defeat: Source Questions
Well known as the suicide nade. Prime, pocket, run into building and swap back to the grenade killing everyone in the room. No way to fix. Only thing you can do is try to not pocket it -
Name: ww3 week#1 (a/k/a The Migrating Coconut) Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:4693592 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Threatening Other players with bodily harm. You have taken things too far with making personal threats to other players. We have tried to reason with you and this other player, and neither of you have been able to behave in a reasonable or proper manner. Accordingly, you have escalated this to a point where we can no longer tolerate this behavior and you are no longer welcome to play on the server. Demo Provided?: N/A
Ban Report :: AciDBurN
Samuels 1st MRB replied to Jankovski 's topic in Military Police Archives - DoD:S
This ban will be increased to 1 week after AciDBurn took it upon himself to join Discord and verbally accosting Scinta, among other things. Such behavior is not acceptable and should it happen again this will be upgraded to a permanent ban. Edit: McGarr decided that it would help his case to begin letting his frustration out on myself. This has been upgraded to a permanent ban and a discord ban.- 1 reply
- 4
The 1st MRB Holiday Game Giveaway Rules & Leaderboard :: 2021
Samuels 1st MRB replied to Samuels 1st MRB's topic in Mess Hall
The competition is CLOSED! Congrats to our winners: Cpl. L. Kevinsen Pvt. A. Cannon CWO. E. Konig We will get in touch with you all to award your prizes! -
The 1st MRB Holiday Game Giveaway Rules & Leaderboard :: 2021
Samuels 1st MRB replied to Samuels 1st MRB's topic in Mess Hall
Faller (x2) - 8 Strickland (x1) - 2 Tator (x2) - 4 C. Logue (x1) - 6 Gougeon (x1) - 7 Goose (x3) - 6 York (x1) - 1 Konig (x1) - 11 Buck (x1) - 1 Larson (x1) - 20 Burke (x3) - 15 Sex Instructor (x1) - 2 Candy (x1) - 14 Crafton (x1) - 10 Vides (x1) - 4 -------------------------- Total :: 111 -
[Resolved] problem with AciDBurN / and this McGarr accounts
Samuels 1st MRB replied to McGarr's question in Closed Tickets
@McGarrSend me a PM either via Discord or the forums with what you would like your PW to be and I can reset it for you -
The 1st MRB Holiday Game Giveaway Rules & Leaderboard :: 2021
Samuels 1st MRB replied to Samuels 1st MRB's topic in Mess Hall
THE 1ST MRB HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY DOMINATION CONTEST RULES The Rules for the Domination Contest are as follows: - The contest is open to 1st MRB, Retired MRB, BAR and BAR Apps - All screenshots must be from the period the contest starts until it ends. (November 30th at 12AM to Jan 8th at 11:59 PM EST) - A maximum of three dominations per unit member will be counted. (You can dominate them more, but you will only receive points three times!) - You must post a full screenshot of the domination in this thread to be counted. (Examples of screenshots can be found on the previous Contest HERE) -The contest will start on November 30 at 12:00 AM EST - The contest will end on January 8 at 11:59PM EST - Anyone caught trying to cheat/falsify dominations will be disqualified IMMEDIATELY. - Do not join spectators at the end of a round. SCORING The Point Values for each rank per domination are as follows: Private & BAR Apps = 1 Point Private First Class & BAR Members = 2 Points Corporals = 3 points Sergeants = 4 points Staff Sergeant & Retired MRB = 5 points Technical Sergeant = 6 points Gunny Sergeant = 7 points Master Sergeant = 8 points First Sergeant = 9 points Sergeant Major = 10 points Warrant Officer = 11 points Chief Warrant Officer = 12 points 2nd Lieutenant = 13 points 1st Lieutenant = 14 points Captain = 15 points Major = 20 points THE PRIZES 1st Place Prize: Game or Games on steam up to a value of $50 2nd Place Prize: Game or Games on steam up to a value of $35 3rd Place Prize: Game or Games on steam up to a value of $15 LEADERBOARD (Updated on 1/9/22 at 10:19AM EST) Kevinsen - 334 Cannon - 310 Konig - 270 Samuels - 111 Strickland - 94 C. Logue - 64 Martinez - 60 Fielding - 50 Tator - 48 Faraj - 34 GooseGaggler - 42 S. Johnson - 30 Faller - 30 Weil - 25 Myers - 8 Ret. Smith - 8 Garcia* - 4 Richards - 2 B. McGarr - 2
We are offering steam game prizes to members of the 1st MRB and BAR who recruit the most people for the 1st MRB. The contest starts November 26 at 12AM EST, and will end the first week in January (January 8 at 11:59PM EST). If you win one of the following prizes, for 1st, 2nd or 3rd, you may choose a game or games of your choice up to the value. This is your chance to show us what you've got! Let's see how many we can get to make this unit even bigger and badder. What better way to do that then to offer up some cool steam game prizes to the biggest helpers? Plus, who doesn't like prizes? THE RULES Enlisted members must put your name on the enlistment where it asks who recruited them Edited enlistment applications will not count! Recruits DO NOT have to pass BCTs to count towards your total Winners will be chosen based on total number of new recruits THE PRIZES 1st Place Prize: Game or Games on steam up to a value of $50 2nd Place Prize: Game or Games on steam up to a value of $35 3rd Place Prize: Game or Games on steam up to a value of $15 GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE, AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS! (Disclaimer: Prizes have been donated by the Command Staff)
I believe Small is saying that all of the personal accounts of (for example) “well I heard that my counsin’s sister’s boyfriend’s friend who is “X” profession, knew someone who died of X and they marked the cause of death incorrectly as COVID related, isn’t really evidence of anything as it’s not verifiable in large numbers or fact checked/peer reviewed. That doesn’t mean that it happens, or even if some places happens more frequently than others. But to say that it’s happening more than a minuscule amount is probably more of an exaggeration than saying the COVID death totals are exaggerated.
Big pharma is not trying to kill its customers. Essentially it’s the same (dark) argument as to why we treat cancer rather than curing it. If the vaccine doesn’t work, or help keep people alive, big pharma loses customers, money, and reputation. From a business standpoint there is little reason to trick you into getting the vaccine other than for profit motive in the long term. IMO
Dude that's exactly what I'm saying by making false equivalencies. Comparing what the government is doing to promote (and now mandate) vaccination for a virus that has killed millions of people being compared to what Hitler did and the population of Germany participating/ignoring it until the world found out, is not the same. Given that the world has acknowledged that the virus is dangerous and has killed millions of people, yet one country is seemingly having unknown difficulty in having its populous, and even politicians, acknowledge the danger and severity of the virus
I agree on this end. However, until we see something like that happen, I think the people complaining are making false equivalencies and don't understand the issues. My understanding was that the government was only saying, if you work in government, get the shot or be fired. And there's no right to be employed, so I see no problem with that punishment
Oh boy, I was always curious how long this topic would take before it was brought up in this section of the forums. Here's my 2 cents and I'll try to not make it a wall of text. And I want to say up front, that there is 100% an exception to my thoughts for people who have legitimate medical reasons and are not able to receive the vaccine. I can understand the apprehension that some people may feel about the jab for a variety of reasons. I myself was someone who was initially unsure of it given my thoughts about how quickly it was developed. I did eventually get the shot and I was the last person in my family to do so for that reason (also because I did not qualify to receive it until ~May of this year). And I did so for 2 reasons. (1) I have alot of high risk people in my family, some of whom have passed away last month (non-COVID related) and (2) I believe the slight risks of the vaccine outweigh the possibility of the continued vaccine. Generally, and this may sound harsh, I think those who reject getting the vaccine for non-medical complication reasons are selfish. This has not been the first time in human history where vaccinations to combat diseases have happened and it is not the first time where foolish people fight what is later shown in history and hindsight as being common sense (i.e. spanish flu, measles, rubella, mumps, polio, need I go on?). This concept and has essentially been around since the start of the 20th century. I won't go into the Spanish Flu because thats the most commonly cited one that is compared to COVID and the idiocy of refusing to comply with government instructions. There are multiple vaccines that have been required and heavily recommended by the government to do various things (i.e., go to public school, serve in the military, etc). To just enroll in elementary through primary school (K-12) almost all states mandate that children receive the Hepatitis B and Meningococcal ACWY shots as well as some others. Moving onto colleges/universities, many have their own required vaccines as people mix with other people from around the world. There is also this false equivalency that businesses refusing service to people who refuse to wear masks/show vaccine proof/etc. are being discriminated against. Well, this is both a true statement from a legal perspective but mainly wrong. Discrimination is generally defined as treating two groups of people differently. Yes, here we do have 2 groups receiving unequal treatment (mask wearers/vaccinates and non-mask wearers/non-vaccinated). What is the unequal treatment that is occurring? Being able to eat at a restaurant, hold certain employment, go into certain public/privately owned buildings. Now, I will go easy on the legalese here and try to simplify the reasoning for why these arguments are nothing more than people bitching and moaning. For anything other than (race, religion, nat'l origin) any unequal treatment of 2 groups of people must be rationally related to a legitimate government interest. And that is the key thing here. The safety, health, and wellbeing of US citizens, in the government's interest of protecting its citizenry, outweighs Karen's interest in going into Starbucks without a mask. The test that is generally used for this consideration is whether the purpose of the laws/rules/government action (i.e, the vaccine mandate) is related to the purpose and reason that the government believes it serves (i.e., protecting the population from COVID, killing the virus, etc.). Because the legal test is the lowest bar to meet under the 14th Amendment, all the arguments you see online about unfair and discrimination against non-vaccinated people/non-mask wearers is just people blowing hot air. Now on to my personal thoughts. Personally, I believe going into private businesses, working where you choose, and all things generally enjoyed in society are the privileges that we get from being a part of the society. And privileges can be revoked as easily as they are given. Now, don't get me wrong, I believe that there are 100% certain rights that cannot be taken away from people (right to choose, free speech, free assembly, religion, etc), and I'll get to that point in a moment. Now, generally, a private business can refuse service to anyone it chooses so long as it is not based on a protected class (race, religion, sex, national origin). Non-Vaccinated/Non-mask wearers, do not fall in this category, even if they are in one of those protected groups, because they are not being refused service/entry for those reasons, they are refused service/entry for the vaccine/masks. Thats what is important, the refusal to allow entry or restrict entry to a private place due to not wearing a mask/vaccine proof is no different from a restaurant or business saying "No shirt, no shoes, no service." Now, I know this post is a wall of text but I want to just comment on the "my body my choice" argument that has been floating around. This is another false equivalency and strawman argument partially designed to jab at the abortion rights crowd. Now, I am 100% behind a woman's right to choose with respect to abortion. I'm 100% in favor of people's right to choose what they do with their own bodies. You want to overeat and ballon to 500lbs, it's you right to do so Want to drink booze every single day and destroy your liver, its your right to do so Want to smoke 10 packs of cigarrettes and destroy your lungs? It's your right to do so Now, this is again where controversy lies. Is your right to bodily autonomy more important than my right, or anyone else's right to continue living (lets not get into the abortion argument here, not the point of that statement). I would argue your right to be an idiot is not more important than the right of everyone else to not catch this disease. And this is where I think that businesses, the government, and citizens, are 100% correct in shaming and pushing out those who refuse to comply with the basic things to participate in a society. Herd immunity is a proven thing and has helped destroy a lot of diseases, but they are slowly coming back with the anti-vax movement, etc. With COVID, yes, there are many other diseases and things that kill more people, but the conversation is not on those other topics, its on this one disease which has consumed the world in less than 2 years and changed or affected almost every person's life in some way. This is where I think, people's right to be stupid ends. You get the jab, and participate in the society that you want to be apart of, or the society will push you out so those who do participate in it can continue to be safe and prosper. Rant over <3