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Samuels 1st MRB

First Lieutenant
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Everything posted by Samuels 1st MRB

  1. Well I fucked up/experienced a classic dayz moment this morning......So I logged on real quick to see if there were any heli spawns around and take a quick peak in Zeleno mil base and one zombie hits me causing me to bleed. I use the one bandage that I had and just moved into the base. Once in the base a zombie renders right in front of me out of nowhere knocking me ruining my clothes and causing me yet again to start bleeding. Except this time I didnt have any rags to stop the bleeding. I searched half the city with no luck finding clothes that were tearable to rags and the clinic was full of literally everything other than a bandage so i ended up bleeding out in the middle of the street in zeleno.......fml
  2. DayZ Report #509: Armstrong, Harvey and I have logged out at base camp on the DMZ. We have relatively full tents with essentially everything we might need (except fucking water because that is now impossible to find for some reason). We made a successful run on Zeleno and the surrounding area finding both weapons, ammo, food, and even a car. Unfortunately we did not have enough time to unload out haul and return to find parts to fix the car before the server reset. Those who wish to join the adventures of our squad on the DMZ server, just msg myself, Marsden, LaGesse, Harvey, Armstrong, or Donkin. Happy hunting fellas
  3. Nice find Lagesse!! Try to not spawn out at a heli crash though, next time you log in now youre most likely going to spawn standing up in the middle of a field and gonna be real exposed for those first few seconds before you can actually see and move
  4. Lol then think of it more like an advertisement to join our merry band of (friendly) bandits!
  5. Freezing & Drenched = we can build a fire to warm you up and dry you off Hungry = have both canned and cooked food so no prob ****Thirsty = This is a prob because both me and Armstrong have no soda or water so moves need to be made to obtain supplies Sick = Depending on whether you need charcoal tabs or antibiotics we might be able to fix that, Armstrong has some left over from when he was sick last night And bleeding? Unless youre out of rags we should be fine to patch you up and saline you back to full color
  6. Armstrong and I made a successful run along the west portion of the map raiding the prison, a heli crash, as well as the Pavlovo Mil base (2x) to get us set up with a bunch of goodies and tents at our usual base camp. We have clothes, ammo, and weapons for when you get to base next time
  7. Just north of Zelno with a mil tent, working my way back towards where our old tents were before the recent server wipe
  8. Id be down for it
  9. Youre gonna end up with me in the 2v2 round Gothe, time to start practicing and get goode!
  10. Updated List: 1. 2ndLt. Candy 2. WO. A. Reis 3. 1stSgt. Musleh 4. MSgt. Konig 5. MSgt. Small 6. MSgt. Vicari 7. GySgt. Gilmore 8. TSgt. Samuels 9. TSgt. Shank 10. TSgt. Woz 11. Sgt. Pilon 12. TBD Common guys I know there are a few more Rocket Leaguers out there who wanna get in on some tourney action
  11. Before we set times for matches we would need to figure out how many people are interested/teams we have
  12. Im sure Pardo, Vicari, and Small would be interested when they find out
  13. Everything has been working fine with my computer since Marsden walked me through the installation. Ill go ahead and close the ticket
  14. Round Robin best of 5? Since each game is only 5 minutes we would be able to have this last for more than one day
  15. We would need at least 12 people to make a small bracket of 6 2v2s
  16. Yerrrr count me in!!!
  17. Ill join you, I have never played it yet but I am not sure what DLC I dont have because I bought it while it was on sale
  18. Huh so thats what Gothe looks like, gotta say could not guess that based on your voice
  19. crab cakes.....such a strange name for a tiny horse
  20. http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri Download the file this website has when you check whether you can run DoW and itll tell you everything in a report
  21. Are you using a PC or a Mac?
  22. Im sure youve already looked at the specs, but have you tried this site? http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri Itll have you download a program that will give you the specs of your computer and whether or not it can run a game. Also, just some preliminary information to know where you're at, have you ran the game already on low along with v-sync and anti aliasing and its still unbearable?
  23. I do have to agree with what Candy just said, it did just come out and there are sure to be patches to settings coming in the really near future so if it doesn't run like DoD:S does right away I wouldnt be too concerned yet. Definitely tweak your settings around and see what works best right now, but you should follow up and see if you have at least the minimum specs to run the game.
  24. Holquist could you tell us what your specs are? Or check if your comp can run the game on this site: http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri
  25. What do you have Anti-aliasing and v-sync set to? When I did the test setting on my computer it auto set everything to high and it was unbearable but after I turned everything to low and those off it made it more playable
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