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A. Cannon 1st MRB

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A. Cannon 1st MRB last won the day on March 8

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About A. Cannon 1st MRB

  • Birthday 10/08/1993

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    Québec, Canada

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  • Weapon of Choice
    M1 Garand

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Community Answers

  1. Domination Count Fielding I Goose I TacticalSharts II Fernandez I Valorus I Samuels I Smith I Keebler II Scary III Yoder I Moffat II Larson I Gearhart I Swift I
  2. Name: Scinta Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:102521096 Date & Time of ban: 09DEC2023 Reason we should Unban: [Posting this on behalf of Scinta] Since my removal from unit I learned a lot and wanted to deeply apologies for my previous behavior. I built a strong personal support system in my personal life. I miss playing my friends and would like to request a gradual return within the community. Thank you. -Scinta
  3. Name: Omelette_Man Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:557891720 Reasons for the Ban: Mic Spam Recommended duration of ban: 2 days. Demo Provided?: User was spamming music in the public server causing a disruption.
  4. Name: Jamon de la Vallée Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:110560967 Reasons for the Ban: Setup an MG in Axis spawn and killed 4 players then fled the server. Recommended duration of ban: 3 days. Demo Provided?: GameMe http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/playerinfo/284530
  5. Not sure who said politics is banned. We all live in different countries and I believe exchanging political views ans ideas is healthy. The issue today is that people are so rooted within ideology that it becomes personal really quickly. Agree to disagree we live in democracies. I dislike ideologies from my opponents but I do not hate them or character.
  6. After Russia illegal annexed Crimea. NATO only responded defensively
  7. Well, the US didn’t start the war.
  8. Every regime change in Russia started from the military... we'll see how long they want to keep getting killed in Ukraine with limited equipment. Ukraine won't negotiate peace with Putin in my opinion. I'd rather see peace but with the current situation it's not possible.
  9. Granted, It's not a fast process but they prosecuted Serb war lords and Rwandan genocide leaders. It's necessary for countries who don't have the tools and the means to prosecute. Putin controls Russia with an Iron grip like the Nazis did in Germany. I believe he will be prosecuted one day.
  10. I did think about it. It might stop countries helping a dictatorship that’s accused in crimes against humanity. It might prompt a regime change within Russia and Putin could be a bargaining chip into removing sanctions. It hinder Russia diplomatic mission in the world especially in Africa and South America. Not saying seal team 6 is going in to arrest Putin obviously it’s not going to happen overnight. Heres some of the court cases and why the international court is important. https://www.icc-cpi.int/cases?cases_fulltext=&field_defendant_t=All&page=1
  11. Not sure what there is to think? The Putin regime murdered thousands of civilians within Ukraine its documented very well. Not including the human rights abuse within Russian and the civil war in Russia.
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