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Candy 1st MRB

First Sergeant
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Candy 1st MRB last won the day on March 21

Candy 1st MRB had the most liked content!


About Candy 1st MRB

  • Birthday 12/27/1969

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    Broken Arrow

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Community Answers

  1. Name: KittenRockstar Steam I.D: [U:1:895606384] | 76561198855872112 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Excessive team killing -63 before I caught him Demo Provided?: No, informed by a Retired 1st MRB Comments: Why?
  2. Name: Kisafir Steam I.D: [U:1:1291267774] Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Was notified of excessive team killing on the server by a BAR member. Th eBAR member had warned this individual many times about team killing. When I checked they were -62 on score. Demo Provided?: No Comments: This was a deliberate act and I feel an unban would not be prudent.
  3. I hop into discord with several others and we chat about upcoming events. R. Smith: "I am retiring or resigning after the realism next month." Me: "You aren't retiring, but we will miss you if you do." Farmer: "Yeah we will miss you ." R. Smith: "Like a deep-dish pizza?" Farmer: "FUCK YOU!" We burst in laughter.
  4. 1st MRB Semi-Annual Newsletter Winter 2025
  5. Its Friday Night Fight Night in HLL and me and Muthas are in different squads. We meet up while attacking a point: Me: Muthas! Let's go get the poiple toineps! Muthas: Hah poi.... We are immediately cut down by a MG. Steam messages: Muthas: LMFAOO Me:OMFG! ROFLMAO!
  6. Name: Hi (kept changing name) Steam I.D: [U:1:298835746] Reasons for the Ban: Pubber alerted me to this individual who kept say "Hey bro" and team killing. By the time I got to him he was a -50. Duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: No
  7. There is an update to the issue guys, your editor in chief forgot to include his article, or its a glitch. Either way, enjoy!
  8. Well done Newsletter Staff, great issue in the books!
  9. Great Issue Everyone! Holquist I think that guy was in like Season 9? Whatever the one that was in Labrador.
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