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Candy 1st MRB

Master Sergeant
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Everything posted by Candy 1st MRB

  1. Ok if I close my eyes and don't watch the video...especially at 3:44, I would give it a solid 8/10 Here's some sweet 70's British Prog.....
  2. grrr....haven't got it yet and YOU KNOW IT! lol
  3. I am still a new pup, but I am pretty sure I got it straight now...according to the order in the Barracks.
  4. #20 is so true....
  5. That looks like one of Tragedy's gifs heh
  6. Quoting Mullaney on the 1st MRB vs. FSSF thread: "Candy and I were comparing video settings since I could see the sky and his was purple and black. He changed "High Dynamic Range" under advanced video settings to "None" and now he can see the sky. I dont know if this is the be all end all of solutions for this but you guys should try it! " This worked for me, it might solve some issues.
  7. LOL
  8. I was in a realism last night and came across this Mythical creature. I barely escaped with my life!
  9. I noticed one more ad but thought I would not include it today...it was a German propaganda poster by the Axis spawn.
  10. Awesome! Glad to hear that, we can close this ticket now I suppose. I think you'll be OK as long as you just work on the key bindings manually. Thanks Bradley!
  11. Very nice Viktor!
  12. Nobody in particular, I was looking for a Unit, little did I know I would come across the BEST DAMN UNIT. PERIOD! Kaba and Supa talked to me a great deal and helped me take the first step though...
  13. Thanks Lehman )
  14. In my travels over the past few days I have explored the map Santos fairly thoroughly. While most people would strategize certain positions to defend or areas to attack, I take a step back and look at the scenery, in particular the vast array of advertisements on the walls of the map. I usually will take a few pics here and there, being as I am a old sign buff, but I was fascinated by the detail and historical significance of a lot of the signage. So, I started taking a lot of pics and I have put together a little something highlighting the various ads and signs of Santos...so...enjoy! The collage is 1920x1080 in case you want to setup your desktop with a piece of historical memoribilia.....
  15. I had a lot of fun on FNFN...no weapon restrictions, good fighting and talking on vent. Overall a great experience that would be fun to do more often. ) A few of my Highlights were: The beginning of the map rotation....Wildenthal Something I never do, usually I am at the opposite end of the Domination from Maj. Engle on Adenau...... Some sniper ownage on Catania in which SgtMaj. Gris and I were neck and neck the whole map (he eventually won the match, but I got the added bonus of a domination on Small) Overall it was a fun night full of laughs!
  16. Hes like walker texas ranger. Always look behind u because that's where parker will be. Don't beleave me ask Ogara. Exactly!
  17. Happy Birthday Lt. Hall!
  18. Happy Birthday to a fellow cat lover!
  19. Little, Heres how to embed video: 1)Go to you tube page you want 2)Click the "Share button" under the video 3)Click the "embed" tab next 4)Copy paste the embed code in the forums 5)Make sure "Html On - Auto Linebreak Mode" is selected at the bottom of your post
  20. Pvt. JP. OGara: (silence) Lt. Col. Parker: (voice) "Hold this Position!" Pvt. JP. OGara: (nervously stares about) Lt. Col. Parker: (voice) "Hold this Position!" Lt. Col. Parker: (voice) "Hold this Position!" Pvt. JP. OGara: (pulls out his .45 and readies for attack) Lt. Col. Parker: (voice with shovel out) "Hold this Position!" Lt. Col. Parker: (voice with shovel out) "Hold this Position!" Lt. Col. Parker: (voice with shovel out) "Hold this Position!" Lt. Col. Parker: (voice with shovel out) "Hold this Position!" Lt. Col. Parker: (swings shovel and round ends)
  21. That would be very good Bradley, it may help him, does not hurt to try.
  22. Caught Reis jumping on a realism the other day, thought it was cool.
  23. Are you still having your issue with sprays or can we close this ticket?
  24. Lopez, A few questions, I have had a similar problem of late on different games. What video card are you using? Nvidia or AMD? Do you run a browser in the background with a page that runs flash video? There is a know issue that I found where Flash can cause issues and crash your computer. It is recommended to turn off hardware acceleration in Flash. This page will tell you how. http://forums.adobe.com/thread/891337 Make sure you click the name not where it says in the example.
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